Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Headaches? What Your Body May Be Telling You"

This is a problem I see a lot of in my clinic. For the most part I can often diagnose associated tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders. In addition to tell tale trigger points and observations relayed by the patient, Tension type headaches is the usual diagnosis.

Tension type headaches are often associated with; stress, poor posture, lack of exercise/stretching, activities etc. They often feel like they start at the back of the neck and may radiate to other parts of the head, including the face. Many patients report suffering from these headaches in significant times of stress or due to spending too much time on a computer. After ruling out serious problems involving the joints of the cervical spine or nerves, we can do a lot to give these headache sufferers much relief. I also advise appropriate stretches and postural changes that can also offer great improvements.

Now the other common types of headaches that I see in practice are migraines. Migraines are often debilitating, intense headaches that can be associated with the following; sensitivity to light/sound, a visual disturbance (Aura), nausea and a pounding/throbbing type pain.

Migraines are vascular in nature meaning they may not be related to muscle tension. In fact research shows that migraines may have other triggers that you many not have thought of before such as; certain foods (ie. chocolate, caffeine), hormonal changes, loud sounds, bright lights, depression, strong odors etc.

But regardless of the cause, pay attention to your headaches because they might be trying to tell you something! "A headache can be a symptom of a simple organic disorder, a serious or complicated disorder, or it can be individually characteristic, like a tension headache or a migraine," said Dr. Seymour Diamond, director of the Diamond Headache Clinic and director of the inpatient headache unit at Saint Joseph Hospital in Chicago. "There are multiple causes or variations of headaches."

"The headache can be a message from your body," Beck said. "You don't want to just treat the headache with medicine. You want to play detective and figure out what is causing the headache."

Now a word of caution; the two types of headaches mentioned above are most common in my practice, however there are other, more serious causes of headaches. Therefore if your headache is associated with the following, make sure you get your family doctor to check it out or even visit the emergency room.

The list includes headaches associated with; serious trauma (car accident, sports injury), a headache that doesn't respond to medication, a headache like you've never experienced before, one that wakes you up from sleep, one accompanied by a fever and a headache that involves confusion or nerve symptoms.

As the headline suggests, don't ignore your headaches!! It may be your body's way of telling you that somethings wrong. Make sure you pay attention to it and tell your doctor/Chiropractor all the details involved with your headache. Often times a Chiropractor can offer you significant relief with your headaches, even giving you tips on how to avoid one all together! But if there is something more serious behind your headaches, a Chiropractor can shed some light on that too.

If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, stop by or visit the website here;COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC: "FYI: Can I Still Exercise with Back Pain?"

The answer to this question is a resounding; "YES!" But, I do have to include a word of caution though. Back pain should be assessed by a Doctor or qualified health care provider. Medical Doctors or Chiropractors would be first to mind because the vast majority of back pain sufferers will present to these offices first. If everything is considered, examined and you are cleared for exercise, then go for it.

Now depending on your individual situation, your doctor/Chiropractor can give you a specialized exercise program that will suit your needs. Some patients should avoid high-impact or strenuous exercise at first, just to minimize the chance of re-injury. However, the current understanding of back pain is that activity and exercise is preferred over long periods of bed-rest and just 'lying around'.

The following are some tips on getting started;

- Go see your doctor/chiropractor first! Rule out any serious causes of your back pain and get the OK first. Sometimes patients need more involved medical care ie. a surgery. So don't delay on getting the appropriate diagnosis.

- The goal of an exercise program is to improve overall health (cardiovascular, strength, endurance, co-ordination, function) while minimizing stress on the back.

- Start with very low impact or no-impact exercises first such as biking, swimming and walking first. (Personally, I also recommend the elliptical machine as well to some patients)

- Once the acute pain subsides, you should consider building stronger muscles as well. The areas most important for back pain sufferers include the back, leg and abdominals

- Start slow! you can always increase the difficulty or intensity of exercise later. Try not to do too much too soon and hurt yourself in the process!

- Yoga and Tai Chi are great exercise for people that are looking for something easy on the body that can also improve flexibility and function. But take it easy! (See the above tip!)

- You should aim to participate in good cardiovascular exercise for about 20-60 minutes 3-4 times a week for good overall health.

Remember if exercise is causing you pain, stop immediately and consult with your doctor/chiropractor again. Seek their advice so you can stay safe!

I think that activity and exercise is so important to a patient's overall health and recovery from back pain. In my practice I try to engage my patients in exercise and stretches almost from the first visit if possible. I remind them that like brushing their teeth, regular exercise is an important habit to have. If you are looking after your teeth on a daily basis, doesn't it make sense to look after the rest of your body as well????

If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver stop by the office or visit the website here;COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Chiropractic Reduces Overall Health Costs"

This article was written in conjunction with two studies that appeared in the journal; Archives of Internal Medicine. What the study's authors wanted to find out was the impact that Chiropractic has on the overall health care system. It appears that Chiropractic may be the best option compared to traditional medical care for back pain!

Researcher Dr Antonio P Legorreta (University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health) and his colleagues reviewed the health expenditure records of nearly 2 million people with health care plans. The comparison they wanted to study further was simple, " what was the difference between people who's plans included Chiropractic care to those who didn't?"
(NOTE: Dr. Legorreta's group compiled the data from nearly 2 million policy holders. That is a staggering number to study and helps to strengthen the findings of the article) 

This study "offers a tantalizing glimpse into possible large-scale economic benefits obtained through access to chiropractic coverage by large groups of insured patients," comments an accompanying editorial [ 2 ]. Drs Jose Ness and Nicole Nisly (University of Iowa, Iowa City). The researchers poured over four years of health care records and found that the 700,000 health plan members who had access to Chiropractic care, had lower overall health care costs compared to the 1 million members who didn't. In addition, the people who had Chiropractic coverage also had lower costs associated with; X-rays, MRI's, hospitalizations and surgeries.

The numbers break down like this;

Utilization per 1000 episodes
Patients with chiropractic coverage
Patients without chiropractic coverage

Plain radiographs
17.5 22.7
Low back surgery
3.3 4.8
9.3 15.6
Magnetic resonance imaging
43.2 68.9

Access to managed chiropractic care may reduce overall healthcare expenditure in several ways, say Legorreta et al. For example, there seems to be a substitution of Chiropractic for traditional medical care, particularly for spinal conditions, and Chiropractic appears to have lower costs than traditional medical care, they note.

"The estimated cost saving appears to more than offset the amount spent to cover the associated costs of the Chiropractic benefit," they observe.

In their editorial, Ness and Nisly say the new study: "raises the intriguing possibility that Chiropractic may in fact be the more economic approach to the management of the ill-defined, recurrent, and often refractory symptom of back pain."

"One of the study's greatest strengths clearly lies in the sheer magnitude of the sample investigated, resulting, to our knowledge, in one of the largest analyses ever performed on economic impact of chiropractic," they add.

I think this is a clear indication that Chiropractic has very beneficial effects not only to the health of patients but the overall health system as well. However it is important to note that while this study was large in scope it may not have been very specific. In other words it did not give an indication as to what groups or types of patients could benefit most from Chiropractic. 

None the less, this is obviously a very good starting point and helps to answer the question, ".....can Chiropractic help?"
In the East Vancouver neighborhood of Commercial Drive? Stop by or visit the website;COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Finger Length Linked to Prostate Cancer Risk - Study"

This was a very interesting study that came from the UK just a few days ago. Researchers from Britain's Warwick University and the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) found that males who's middle fingers were longer than their ring fingers were one-third less likely to develop prostate cancer than those men who's ring fingers were longer.

"Relative finger length could be used as a simple test for prostate cancer risk, particularly in men aged under 60," said Ros Eeles from the ICR, who helped lead the study. This is important because men are advised to get regular prostate exams after the age of 50, some even suggesting as early as 40! But a very common test to detect possible signs of cancer is called the PSA test or Prostate Specific Antigen test. Unfortunately, this test is not very good at differentiating those men who would develop aggressive cancer from those who may not need treatment at all.

With this in mind, doctors and researchers have been searching for better screening methods to determine which men would be more likely to develop prostate cancer later in life. With this study it seems a clue is in the hands. Researchers hope that finger length may provide a 'clue', especially for younger men, as to their risk of developing prostate cancer as they age. 

So what's the connection? you may ask. Well, it appears it all starts in the womb. As embryos our development is influenced by the introduction and levels of differing hormones. Testosterone being the main one in question here. Scientists believe that too much Testosterone during development actually affects finger length. Often correlated with a longer ring finger. Conversely, less Testosterone during development in the womb resulted in a longer middle finger. 

Scientist now believe that less Testosterone (longer middle finger) during development significantly decreases the chance that a man will develop prostate cancer later in life. 

I think this study is very interesting but needs further support and confirmation. But it does go to show how significant a concern cancer is in life. If there is even a possibility of a better screening test for cancer, especially one that is free and obvious, it is worthwhile investigating further!

If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, stop by or visit the website here;COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chriopractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC; "Once Your Pain is Gone, Do You Need to Keep Seeing a Chiropractor??....."

In short, I would say 'Yes' it's absolutely a good idea!' But to those who ask this question, please think about this, "How often do you see your dentist every year? and do you only go to see your dentist if you have pain?"

"If I feel better and no longer have pain, why should I continue with Chiropractic care?". This is an age old question that many patients have about Chiropractic care. I know of patients who's previous Chiropractors have recommended 'maintenance care'. Often involving treatments 2-3 times/week for months and gradually tapering off from there. Many see the rationale behind this approach and still many others believe this is far too much treatment. 

Here's my honest opinion about this topic. I believe Dentists have it right. Sure some people will only see a dentist if there's pain but many others follow the recommendation of a visit every 6 months. But why? Well because of PREVENTION! A regular check up will help to identify problems with your teeth before things get really bad. Isn't it better to spot a cavity early and have a minor filling done instead of extracting the entire tooth?

But here's where Dentists really excel. Everybody knows to brush their teeth daily! Often times twice a day! This message is so ingrained in society that no one even questions it. People just do it out of habit because, wait for it..........THEY KNOW IT'S GOOD FOR THEM! Even though, you only really use your teeth for minutes a day while you're eating, you still brush religiously.

However consider this, on any given day, when are you NOT using your body, muscles, spine and joints for movement? You're even using your muscles when you're sitting using  your laptop! So what are you doing on a daily basis to keep your body, bones, muscles and joints healthy? Chances are not that much.

I see many patients who are new to Chiropractic and in my clinic I do my best to educate them about health. More importantly, the idea that HEALTH is much more than a lack of pain! I work with my patients  to devise a sensible treatment plan with re-evaluations scheduled at regular intervals. This is important because we need to track progress and offer the best, most complete care possible. In addition, we need to evaluate how successfully Chiropractic care is working for them. Is it still the best option three weeks from now? Would Physiotherapy or Massage Therapy be better? You can only answers these questions with confidence if you have been keeping track of a patient's progress.

In addition, I believe in promoting healthy habits like stretching and exercise from the first day of treatment if indicated. Just like a Dentist emphasizing the importance of brushing to keep your teeth healthy, a person should be active to keep their entire body healthy! I think as a Chiropractor, it is my duty to show my patients that they can do a lot to stay healthy and pain free on their own.  Once my patients get better about making stretching and exercises a regular habit, I encourage them to decrease the frequency of Chiropractic treatments! Everyone benefits. 

I have patients who see me for follow up care once a month, once every other month, even twice a year! I help my patients decide what frequency is right for them if they are already practicing healthy habits on their own.

Moral of the story is, "Yes, regular Chiropractic care is helpful even if you don't have pain but the ultimate choice lies with you!". No one said getting healthy and staying healthy was easy, if it was, everybody walking around would be healthy. If your Chiropractor recommends a treatment plan that you feel is excessive, make sure you know why. Ask questions! Any Chiropractor should welcome patient involvement in their treatment and if you feel like your concerns aren't being addressed, maybe that's a concern in itself.

Any questions about this post? In the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver? Contact Dr. Chan here,COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Heart Disease Risk Increases with Weight"

I know this headline may not seem like news but a new study conducted in Denmark is actually very newsworthy. This study has concluded that the more weight a person gains, the more likely they are to develop heart disease and suffer a heart attack. In fact, these researchers have been able to associate actual numbers to this relationship.

The researchers have found that for every 8.8 pounds of increase in the weight portion of a person's Body Mass Index or "BMI", their chance for developing ischemic heart disease shot up 50%. Now that's very significant because being 8.8 pounds over the recommended BMI for a person of your sex, height, waist etc, is far more common than you might think. But the question you have to ask is, " much over your recommended BMI are you?"

(NOTE: for those who may be unfamiliar with your Body Mass Index or BMI, it is a measure of your body fat in relation to your height, weight and sex. To be in the "normal" or safe category, your BMI score should be between 18.5 and 24.9)

The findings appear to be pretty solid considering these researchers compiled the data from three studies involving 81,000 Danish men and women. For those who are not familiar with scientific studies and how they are conducted, to have data from over 80,000 different people absolutely helps to strengthen the validity of your findings.

Dr. Borge Nordestgaard, of the University of Copenhagen in Herlev claimed this is evidence of a direct cause-and-effect between elevated BMI and raised heart disease risk. He is slated to present his findings at the American Heart Association annual meeting in Chicago.

So the moral of the story is watch your weight! be mindful of your BMI number and how it relates to your overall health!
If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, stop by the office or visit the website;COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC

Monday, November 15, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Primary Care Physicians Least Confident in a Group of Health Care Providers"

This information came from a national survey involving a variety of health care providers who commonly see patients for chronic pain. The group of health care providers included; primary care physicians (medical doctors), pain specialists, chiropractors and acupuncturists. The goal of this survey was to see how different disciplines perceived chronic pain and how they went about treating it. (As an aside, chronic pain is a serious health problem costing the health care system and the overall economy millions of dollars in expenses and loss in productivity)

According to the survey, medical doctors see about 52% of the patients suffering from chronic pain. Chiropractors follow next at 40%, acupuncturists at 7% and pain specialists at 2%. The survey found that pain specialists commonly treat these patients with long-acting Opioids. The kinds of drugs they prescribe include; methadone, anti-depressants and anti-convulsants. Pain specialists were 50-100% more likely to prescribe medication and drugs to their patients compared to medical doctors. 

But here's what's alarming and slightly disheartening. 29% of medical doctors and 16% of pain specialists reported prescribing opioids LESS than they thought was appropriate because of regulatory oversight concerns. Meaning, these doctors wanted to prescribe opioids for their patients more often than they actually did but were concerned about regulations. So these doctors felt that the best course of care for their patients suffering from chronic pain was more drugs!

To top it off, the survey also revealed this startling result. Medical doctors, out of this group of health care providers, were least likely to feel confident in their ability to manage musculoskeletal pain and neuropathic pain, and are least likely to favor mandatory pain education. 

I don't know about you but I find this very concerning! According to this survey, not only do medical doctors see the vast majority of chronic pain patients, but they probably feel the least confident in dealing with many of these patients! (Note: This was a survey so the doctors were free to answer any way they chose fit and this is how they responded)

There has got to be a better way! Luckily for many there is and it's called Chiropractic. I will be the first to admit that Chiropractic may not work for 100% of patients, realistically nothing does.  It may not even be appropriate for some patients. However, for the the vast majority, Chiropractic is a very real and often the best option for chronic pain sufferers. 

Chiropractic by it's very nature is; non-invasive, conservative and a drug free therapy. Not only that,  but years of successes and studies proves it works! 

Here's more information about the study;  Pain management by primary care physicians, pain physicians, chiropractors, and acupuncturists: a national survey. Breuer B., Cruciani C., Southern Medical Journal, 2010 August: 103 (8), 738-47

So if you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, stop by the office or visit the website at;COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "New Guidelines for Cancer Patients Urge Exercise!"

I came across this article and it really hit home for me the importance of exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, according to this article, we could be seeing a significant shift in how doctors are advising patients to deal with their cancer diagnosis.

Traditionally, doctors have advised their patients undergoing cancer therapy to rest and 'save their energy'. However, the evidence is quickly piling up that in fact the thing they should be doing is staying active and exercising! More and more research is coming to light that show exercise is far more beneficial to a cancer patient than rest. So much so, the American College of Sports Medicine is recommending a new guideline; "Cancer patients and survivors should strive to get the same amount of exercise recommended for everyone else, about 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. Resistance training and stretching also are recommended."

Doctors do understand that it may not always be possible for a cancer patient undergoing therapy to keep up with non-cancer patients, but the idea is to maintain a certain level of activity throughout treatment. Important to note also is that different patients may have to customize their exercise plan according to their cancer and therapy. For instance, some forms of cancer therapy can make a patient's bones brittle, so no impact or low impact exercise is best for them. In other cases, therapy can weaken a person's immune system so these patient's should probably avoid the busy environment of a gym.

"Evidence is promising that exercise may make cancer treatment more effective," said Kathryn Schmitz, an associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and a researcher at the university's Abramson Cancer Center.
For example, breast cancer patients doing resistance training were better able to take a full dose of chemotherapy, rather than having to cut the treatment short due to the detrimental effects of chemo on the body.

Other benefits of exercise included;

Reduced Fatigue:  I know this sounds counter intuitive but it's not. Aerobic activity has been shown to lessen the need for drugs to help increase production of red blood cells due to chemo damage. ( Note: the loss of red blood cells that carries oxygen to your tissues is a big reason why cancer patients feel tired in the first place)

Reduce Loss of Muscle and Bone Mass:  A lot of cancer therapy can contribute to the loss of muscle and bone mass. Both undesirable if a patients want to feel strong and lively. In addition, both muscles and bones can act as storage for important minerals and nutrients the body can use. 

Improve Quality of Life:  This benefit is important not to overlook. Many cancer patients report feeling helpless and overwhelmed with their diagnosis. Exercise can help patients cope better. Being active and working out can help these patients feel better emotionally, an important component of a better treatment outcome.

I realize that many patients may not have the energy to exercise while undergoing cancer therapy but it doesn't have to be a lot. You can always start small and gradually work your way up. Exercise and activity should be an important part of anyone's life regardless if they are battling a serious illness or not. 

If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, why don't you stop on by, or find out more here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "WARNING: Thinking of Surgery for Sciatica?.....Think Twice!"

I came across this study and it interested me, not only because I'm a Chiropractor and I see a lot of patients with low back pain and Sciatica, but also because I know many patients with Sciatica think surgery is their only hope.

Hopefully after reading this, you or anyone you know with Sciatica will think twice before rushing into surgery. The study titled; "Manipulation or microdiskectomy for sciatica? A prospective randomized clinical study" appears in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. In it the researchers were able to assess 120 different people to be included in the study. The purpose of the study was to compare the clinical efficacy of spinal manipulation (Chiropractic) against microdiskectomy (surgery)  in patients with sciatica secondary to lumbar disk herniation (LDH).

It should be noted that to be included in this study, patients were to have already undergone three months of conventional medical care including; Pain killers, massage therapy, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture with little to no improvements. To put it another way, the study chose some of the worst cases of Sciatica possible. Basically, these patients were looking at probably the last two interventions possible; Chiropractic or Surgery.

So, what were the results you ask? The study found that generally, participants in both groups improved when other medical interventions had failed. They found that 60% of the Sciatica patients who did not improve with other medical intervention, improved with spinal manipulation (Chiropractic)! In fact, researchers found these patients improved to the same extent as those patients who did the surgery! But to be fair, of the remaining 40% who were not satisfied with Chiropractic, surgery was found to have given them good improvements.

This study went on to make the following recommendation; Patients with symptomatic Lumbar Disc Herniation (LDH) failing medical management should consider spinal manipulation followed by surgery if warranted. 

So the finding was try Chiropractic first and if all else fails, then surgery is warranted. Chiropractors have been saying this for a long time. Chiropractic by it's very nature is conservative and non-invasive. I know many patients with severe low back pain and Sciatica would rather not go through a surgery but the good news is, they may not have to! According to this study the chances are good (about 60%) that a Chiropractor can save you from having to go to surgery. (Remember, this is even after other therapies have been tried including; pain killers, massage, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture!)

Here's more information about the study; Manipulation or microdiskectomy for sciatica? A prospective randomized clinical study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2010 Oct; 33 (8): 576-584

Got more questions about Chiropractic? Near the Commercial Drive area of East Vancouver? Stop by the clinic or get more information here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Warning! Complex Spinal Operations on the Rise. But is it Safe?"

This article caught my attention because of the sheer numbers involved. In addition, I recently saw a patient who's doctor recommended surgery for his chronic low back pain. After coming to me for a second opinion, I suggested a more conservative approach of Chiropractic therapy, stretching, exercise and simple home care. After three weeks, he is already feeling better than he has been in the last two years. Now he's grateful he tried Chiropractic before opting for surgery like his doctor had suggested. (The surgery suggested would have involved a spinal fusion, mentioned in this article, that would have surgically combined two separate vertebrae in his spine into one)

Now on to the article. This piece was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. In it, it was revealed that the use of complex spinal surgery to treat back pain has exploded in the last six years. Even though these operations are more expensive and riskier than simpler therapy, and not necessarily more effective.

"It was a bit of a surprise to see how big the increase was," said Dr. Richard A. Deyo, professor of family medicine and internal medicine at the Oregon Health and Science University and lead author of a report published April 7 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. "A 15-fold increase over a short period of time was more than we expected." Several possible explanations exist for the increase, money among them, Deyo said. "There are financial influences at play," he said. "You get paid more for complex procedures."

Deyo and his associates looked at a particular problem, Spinal Stenosis. This is when the 'holes' in your back, where nerves travel through get progressively smaller and smaller. Without intervention, the smaller the hole gets, the more irritation and compression it can put on the nerve passing through. Eventually this can be a huge problem not only causing pain but loss or function, muscle wasting and numbness, just to name a few.

Deyo and his team looked at Medicare claims from 2002 to 2007. Over that period, they found that surgery for spinal stenosis actually decreased slightly. However, of the operations that were done, complex surgery rates shot up a staggering 15 times higher! Meaning, in spite of more conservative treatment options, including simpler surgery, doctors were resorting to complicated surgery far more often. Not surprisingly, the study also found related hospital costs over the same time period increased 40%.

The costs of simpler surgical options were reported to be $23, 724 but the costs of more complex spinal fusion surgeries were found to be $80, 888. In addition, patients who underwent complex surgeries spent two more days in hospital and were 3X more likely to encounter a life-threatening complication related to surgery.

Now the big question remains, "...was it worth it?". The surgical literature does not appear to justify the extra cost and hazard of the complex procedures for most people, Deyo said. "Most of the evidence suggests that in terms of pain relief and functional recovery, there is not much advantage in terms of complex procedures," he said. "There is even a possibility that the net benefit of surgery is lessened because of this."

Wow. Now I know many people will counter this study occurred in the states and the results would likely be different in Canada. But the question is, "... are you sure?" With our population aging and the already accepted lifetime incidence of low back pain to be near or above 80%, isn't it likely that doctors will suggest surgery more and more?

I suggest that the answer is Yes. Unless we start looking at other options like Chiropractic. That's right, not only has Chiropractic been proven as both effective and safe but Chiropractic by it's very nature is Preventative!

As everybody knows, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! So if you've been suffering from back issues, go see a Chiropractor. Not only can you find relief but you can learn strategies and techniques to keep  you back and body in good shape, hopefully avoiding a costly surgery later!

In the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver? Drop in and see Dr. Chan or visit his website here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC

Monday, October 25, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "What's the Difference Between Chiropractic and Physical Therapy?"

This was an article that appeared in the October issue of the BC Chiropractic Association newsletter. The article was written by a physical therapist; Dr. Jacques Beauchamp, PT, DPT, SCS, OCS, ATC, CSCS. It gives a brief insight on the difference between Chiropractors and Physical Therapists. The whole article actually compares the difference between; Chiropractors, Physical Therapists and Medical Doctors but I have decided to just high-light the difference between Chiropractors and Physical therapists here. So the following is a mere excerpt of the entire article.

" A Chiropractor is a health care professional that diagnoses, treats and assists in the prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, as theoretically these disorders affect a patient‟s general health via the nervous system. A chiropractor‟s purpose is to restore function and stability to your spine. This is done by realigning the vertebrae in a patient‟s spine using spinal manipulation. Releasing tension in the spine allows for muscles to be relaxed and relieving pain associated with the mis-alignment such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches, to name a few. A chiropractor also affects the patient‟s nervous system. The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is at the very top of the nervous system. The spinal cord runs through the spine and branches off in pairs at each vertebral level. The nervous system controls every muscle, organ and cell of your body. With correct alignment of the spine, it allows the brain to talk to every part of your body which pro-motes better movement and balance.

A physical therapist, on the other hand, is a health professional that evaluates, diagnoses and provides treatment to individuals to develop, maintain and restore maximum move-ment and function throughout life. This includes providing treatment in circumstances where movement and function are threatened by aging, injury, disease or environmental factors. Components of movement and func-tion that are evaluated by a physical therapist include strength, range of motion, flexibility, balance, posture, body mechanics, coordination, endur-ance and general mobility such as walking, stair climbing, and getting in and out of a chair or bed. A physical therapist evaluates the components of movement and develops an individual-ized program to decrease deficits and restore function. Physical therapists help people with orthopedic conditions such as low back pain or osteoporosis; joint and soft tissue injuries such as fractures and dislocations; neurological conditions such as stroke and Park-inson's disease; workplace injuries including repetitive stress disorders and sports injuries. Physical therapy treatment programs consist of educa-tion about the cause of the problem, “hands on” manual techniques and instructions in exercise to improve function."

So I hope this sheds some light on the differences between some of the differences between Chiropractors and Physical Therapists. 

However, I will share some observations that I have seen in my years of practice so far. Any good health care professional that you see to address pain and dysfunction should also be advising you on home care. By that I mean proper stretches and exercises you can do at home or the gym on your own time. Anyone that you see for treatment that lets you leave without advising you on stretches or exercises is probably doing you a disservice. So be wary. If you must, insist on stretches and exercises that you can do to speed your recovery and possibly prevent future problems. But then again, if you have to 'insist', that might be a bad sign alone.

Secondly, I know Physical Therapists are becoming increasingly instructed on 'joint manipulations' to improve function and reduce pain. But I can tell you, Chiropractors learn the technique very early on in their four year education program. Personally, I started adjusting and treating real live people 6 months into my four year program. So I got lots of practice. I'm not sure how long Physical Therapists are trained on manual manipulations but I'm pretty sure it's not as long. 

There are nuances about manipulations or 'adjustments' that take a great level of skill and technique to perform safely. Yes, I do mean safely because you can possibly harm someone if you don't do it correctly. (From my own experience, I remember a classmate of mine actually causing some back pain where there was previously none because I volunteered to be his subject so he could practice Chiropractic adjusting..... Oh well. I suppose, every health care provider should understand what it feels like to be on the 'other side' and appreciate what our patients are dealing with when they seek care.)

So that's it in a nutshell. If I were a patient suffering from back or neck pain or any other musculoskeletal ailment for that matter, I'd want to go to the professionals I knew specialized in the stuff and practiced lots. A whole lot!
If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver come visit Dr. Dominic Chan DC or visit the website;

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Ouch! Osteoporosis Drug Linked to Rare Leg Fractures!"

This news story definitely falls into the "Ouch!" category and is yet again a cautionary message to those who take prescription medication. Especially for conditions that can respond well to good old fashion sensible dieting, exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

This story revolves around a popular class of drugs called Bisphosphonates, often prescribed to fight the effects of Osteoporosis and fractures! The common names of these prescribed medications are Boniva and Fosamax. 

Osteoporosis is a progressive 'thinning' of the bones and depletion of bone density due to loss of calcium and bone proteins. Osteoporosis is generally thought of as an elderly problem that more likely targets women. In both instances, this may not always be the case. Especially with society's demographic leaning more towards an 'older' population, Osteoporosis will obviously become a bigger problem as time goes on.

The details of this report involve an unusual and rare form of fracture of the femur (the long leg bone in your thigh). The problem called, "Atypical Femur Fracture" seems to be unreasonably high in patients who are taking Bisphosphonate drugs, especially for longer than five years.
"FDA is warning again about the possible risk of an uncommon form of fracture in patients who take bisphosphonates to treat or prevent osteoporosis," Rear Admiral Sandra Kweder, M.D., deputy director of CDC's Office of New Drugs, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said during an afternoon press conference Wednesday.

"Patients taking bisphosphonates who have experienced an atypical fracture are younger than patients experiencing typical osteoporotic fractures," she said. "In some cases people have fractures of both femurs." 

Such fractures occur in the bone just below the hip joint or in the long part of the thigh bone. Over half of the patients who have had these fractures said they had dull aching thigh or groin pain that started weeks or months before there was a complete fracture, Kweder said.
The optimal length of time to take bisphosphonates isn't known, but FDA officials think these fractures may be related to using these drugs for more than five years, Kweder said.

So as I have stated many time in these blog posts, please, please, please! be informed and educated about the potential side effects of the medications that you are taking! Unfortunately, your prescribing doctor may not be informed about all the potential side effects, especially with new research/news coming out daily.

As mentioned earlier in this post, Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones that can lead to serious health issues. However, as countless studies have proven now, proper exercise, diet and a healthy lifestyle can make a significant difference in maintaining bone density. If you are concerned about Osteoporosis because of what you see on TV or from friends, ask your doctor about lifestyle changes first before resorting to medications like Boniva or Fosamax.

Better yet, if you'd like more information and are in the Commercial Drive area of East Vancouver, come by to see me or visit my website here;  COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Weight Loss Drug Pulled Off the Market"

This news item that came out just last week revolves around a weight loss drug called, Meridia.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US approved Meridia in November 1997 for weight loss and maintenance of weight loss in obese people, and in overweight people with other risks for heart disease. At the time, the FDA had concerns about the potential harmful effects of Meridia because it was known to increase both heart rate and blood pressure in some patients. However, the beneficial effects of weight loss, especially for the obese, was considered to be more important. 

Unfortunately, after years of continuing trials and monitoring in the general population, the FDA has now ruled the potential harm to people is too dangerous for continued approval. It was revealed that patients taking Meridia were 16% more likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke or death compared to people taking a placebo.

Late last week, Health Canada reported that Abbott Laboratories, makers of Meridia, would voluntary take it off the market in this country as well.

"Physicians are advised to stop prescribing Meridia to their patients, pharmacists are advised to stop dispensing Meridia, and patients are advised to stop taking this drug and dispose of any remaining product," said Dr. John Jenkins, director of  the office of new drugs in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at a news conference.

I thought this story was particularly poignant because it underscores the need for people to become educated and informed about their own health. Let me say that through my years of experience and countless patients I see, I have always promoted a healthy lifestyle including, proper diet, exercise and healthy habits. 

But I believe it is common sense that when it comes to health and wellness, it will never come in the form of a pill. I think it is natural to look for an 'easy' option. With society the way it is, who wouldn't want more for less? But with anything worth having, health and achieving a healthy weight takes time and a lot of effort. 

I promise you it's not that hard. Chances are, you are already practicing healthy habits. Brushing your teeth everyday and covering your mouth when coughing are just two common examples of things people do regularly to maintain health. This is naturally where Chiropractic comes in. 

I am not completely opposed to resorting to over the counter pain relievers like Advil or Tylenol from time to time. But I would like people to know that there are natural options out there to help with symptom relief and achieve health. 

If you're wondering how Chiropractic could benefit you and you're by the Commercial Drive neighborhood in East Vancouver, come drop by or contact Dr. Chan here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Can Chest Pain Start with Your Back?... Ask a Chiropractor"

The answer to this question is a definite, YES!

This scenario often involves a patient coming to see me complaining of a sharp pain or discomfort in their chest. They usually tell me they can feel a similar discomfort in their back as well. Breathing is labored and can be quite uncomfortable. Sometimes they'll say things like, " feels really sharp when I cough/sneeze." 

So what is going on here? Well let me first say that pain in the chest should be taken very seriously. If you are experiencing chest pain that is unlike anything you've experienced before, go see your family doctor or emergency room by all means. However, if you have experienced this kind of pain before, or have been checked out and serious causes are eliminated, go visit a Chiropractor.

Here's the reason why. I have seen dozens of patients in my years of practice who have complained of chest pain, that was actually originating in their back. The reason is when you visualize your rib cage and the individual ribs, you will realize, a rib is fixed at the two ends. On one end, a rib attaches to your sternum or "breast bone". By in large this end is relative immobile because you have many ribs all connecting to your sternum, a common end point so to speak. However, the other end of any rib is connecting to individual bones in your spine called, Vertebrae. At this end, the rib can only attach to two smaller vertebrae. As you may be aware,  because your spine is made up of well over 20 of these smaller Vertebrae, there's a lot more movement in the back, and thus, more chances for things to go wrong. 

To add a another layer to this explanation, you have nerves called, Intercostal nerves that shoot off from your spinal cord encased in your spine. These nerves follow each rib from the back and often go to the front of your chest. If there is any problem with your spine, a mis-alignment for instance, this can cause radiating pain from your back, that you feel in your chest.

Why does this happen? you may ask. Well in my practice, I have seen it all. Sometimes, trauma is involved. A snowboarder who falls for instance. A hockey player that gets checked into the boards a little too aggressively. Things of that sort. But sometimes the cause is really innocent. I've had patients suffer this type of injury from sneezing or even putting on a sweater in the morning. 

So if you're suffering from this kind of pain and discomfort, come visit my office just off Commercial Drive in East Vancouver and get some relief! You can also visit my site here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC

Friday, October 1, 2010

"Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "What Your Doctor Won't Tell You About Back Pain"

Many people will visit their family doctors when seeking relief for back pain. Of these people, many will be told that they are suffering from "muscle spasms" and told that it should get better with time. To relieve their current condition, many a times doctors will write their patients a prescription for one or all of; pain killers, anti-inflammatories or muscle relaxers.

If the doctor is thorough, they will advise their patients that many of these drugs may have side-effects and to discontinue use if they suffer any unwanted symptoms. But many times, patients are not told these things. 

The majority of the patients I see in  my clinic do not only want symptomatic relief, but they would like to know 'how' they got into trouble in the first place. Here's where I'd like to shed some light. 

Now I will be the first to say that many a times, injury to muscles is a major component to back pain. But as you may have guessed,  it's not the only thing that's going on. Here's a Chiropractor's point of view.

Just imagine for a second and visualize your muscles under your skin. If you think about it carefully, your muscles aren't just 'floating' in space are they? No they're not. They actually serve the very important function of providing movement for your body. Just as the picture above depicts a woman doing a bicep curl, the muscles are what allows her to bring the weight closer to her. As she contracts her biceps muscles, the weight is brought closer to her as her elbow bends. As she relaxes the same muscle, she can move the weight away from her and straighten her arm. This is a very simple description of your muscles at work.

Now just for a moment, think of the muscles in your back. As they contract and relax, you can move your body, twist your body, bend forward, arch backwards and so on. But they do this because the muscles are attached to and move the bones in your spine. Now if you suffered an injury and your muscles went into spasm, unable to relax, how would that affect your spine? 
Well, you would probably feel; pain, soreness, stiff, unable to move and difficulties performing even the simplest of tasks. A general loss of normal function is a very common complaint for back pain sufferers.

This is why Chiropractic works so well. If you can get your joints to move better, taking pressure off these sensitive tissue, you will feel better. But it gets better, not only do you 'feel' better, you are doing something beneficial for your body; restoring motion. Chiropractic can do this in a natural manner without the use of pharmaceutical drugs that can have some very serious side effects. Chiropractors are highly trained to identify and safely restore function for people who suffering. But in my clinic, I don't just stop there. Once I can get my patients to feel relief from discomfort and pain, I will go on to educate them. I will encourage my patients to be active, exercise and to practice the appropriate stretches to help their body work at it's best. 

If you think about it carefully, your body does not become painful because it's lacking Tylenol 3 or Robaxacet. You are just 'masking' the symptoms and tricking your body it into not noticing the pain. However, your doctor won't tell you this. If you want to get to the "CAUSE" of your back, neck or joint pain, a Chiropractor is likely your best option. 

Come visit me if  you're in the Commercial Drive area of East Vancouver or visit my website here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Chronic Low Back Pain on an Alarming Rise"

This is a study that I came across from the United States. This study was conducted in the state of North Carolina and looked at the incidences of chronic, impairing low back pain in the state. In 1992 the incidence rate was reported at 3.9% of the population suffered from chronic low back pain. In 2006, this rate was reported at a drastically higher 10.2%.

Researchers believe that although the study was conducted in only one state, the general trend was likely occurring across the United States, and probably even Canada. This study was published in the Feb. 9, 2009, issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine. "Considering the social and economic costs of chronic low back pain, these findings are alarming," said the study's principal investigator Timothy S. Carey, M.D., director of the Sheps Center and Sarah Graham Kenan Professor in the departments of medicine and social medicine in the UNC School of Medicine. "Low back pain is the second most common cause of disability in the United States and a common reason for missing work."

Carey noted that more than 80 percent of Americans will experience an episode of low back pain at some time in their lives and that total costs of the condition are estimated at greater than $100 billion annually, with two-thirds of that due to decreased wages and productivity.

The alarming increase in cases of chronic low back pain is very alarming and researchers have proposed several possible explanations. Some believe the reasons could range from increased incidences of obesity, depression or even a better understanding of the condition.

But what's important to note is that the research was done investigating the current health care model used to deal with chronic low back pain. Unfortunately, the current model relies heavily on the medical system with visits to family doctors, walk-in clinics and emergency rooms.

I think research like this is a clear indication that we need to look at other ways of addressing this issue. Many medical doctors are just not equipped to offer these patients the kind of relief they are looking for. As this study suggested, out of the 5,300 households contacted, less than 50% of the respondents with low back pain reported their doctors recommended exercise. Even though there is a substantial body of evidence now that shows that exercise can be very beneficial to suffers of chronic low back pain.

I find this situation disappointing but I can't say I'm completely surprised. With other studies showing Chiropractic doctors have hundreds of hours more of training regarding anatomy compared to Medical doctors, maybe chronic low back patients should be going straight to the Chiropractor.

If you are by the Commercial Drive neighborhood in East Vancouver come stop by Dr. Chan's clinic or visit COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC HERE!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Does Chiropractic Hurt?"

This is a question I know a lot of people who have never tried Chiropractic have, "...will it hurt?" From my experience dealing with people who have never been to a Chiropractor before on a weekly basis, here's my honest take on this age old question.

Chiropractic adjustments CAN hurt. Now I placed the emphasis on the "CAN" because there can be a lot of factors to consider when advising someone on pain. What does that mean? Well first off, different people will have different tolerances for pain. What one person calls, 'pain', another may call, 'uncomfortable'. Who's to say? I guess that's personal opinion. Now what I focus on when it comes to my patient's well-being and comfort are the things in my control.

First off, regular treatment sessions in my office are at least 15 minutes long. I never like to rush through a treatment. In addition, all patients in my office will receive massage and soft tissue therapy. I believe working on tension in the muscles that will invariably be present, will lay the path for a more successful treatment.

Secondly, I am adamant about using good technique. In my opinion, I think there are Chiropractors who rely on brute force to adjust a patient and overlook technique. This situation is analogous to the saying, "... why use a sledgehammer when a chisel will do?" I believe focusing on good technique not only makes adjusting the patient easier, but allows the patient to feel better after, likely avoiding the 'soreness' people report AFTER treatment. My logic is a patient is already in discomfort when they come see me, so I'll do everything I can to ensure they feel better when they leave.

Lastly, I would like to say that sometimes pain and discomfort, despite all good intentions, is unavoidable. My patients have reported to me occasionally that they were sore after a treatment. However, this situation happens about 50% of the time, with the rest saying they did not feel sore after wards.

During an adjustments, most patients say they feel a 'big stretch', or 'pressure' but not usually pain. On the occasions where a patient does report pain during an adjustment, it is likely because they have sought my care during a very acute bout of severe pain. In these instances, many of these patients are unable to do simple things like putting on socks, without pain.

On the other hand, many of these patients are aware of their predicament but feel assured that the momentary pain they feel during an adjustment will be good for them in the long term. With this in mind, I advise them before treatment to expect soreness. I explain that regardless of treatment or not, they are already suffering so it's better to feel uncomfortable and be on the road to recovery versus suffering and being helpless.

I hope that sheds some light on this question. I know every case/patient will be different but I intended to give a honest account of what I see in my practice when it comes to Chiropractic treatments and pain associated with it.

If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, be sure to stop by or contact me at my website; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN>

Monday, September 13, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "What Conditions Do Chiropractors Treat?"

In my practice the majority of my patients will see me because of some pain/discomfort or loss of function. By this I mean, the patient definitely notices things they used to do, they are now unable to do or has become really difficult. The majority of times the area in question is centered around the spine. However, it's not just the lower back that can be treated with a Chiropractic adjustment, but anywhere there's a joint.

I have successfully treated, mid-back, upper-back, neck, and shoulder pain as well. Now to be up front, not all areas I have found will respond the same to Chiropractic adjustments. It depends on various factors such as stress, working environment, underlying health issues, previous injuries, and even weight. For instance I have seen several patients that have revealed to me during an initial history/interview that they have knee issues, but that's usually followed by the statement, "....but you probably can't do anything about that." Then to their surprise, I will treat and adjust their knee. Many times they will leave a treatment session feeling relief in their knees, and a look of surprise!

Another issue I see a lot is mid-back pain that is often associated with discomfort breathing. This is often accompanied with the comment, "...every time I take a deep breath or cough/sneeze, I feel the pain come back really intensely". After an examination, the cause is actually a displaced or mis-aligned rib. These types of cases respond really well to a Chiropractic adjustment and patients generally report immediate relief.

Other conditions that I have treated in my office are; Headaches, Shoulder pain/ Rotator cuff injuries, Ankle problems, Wrist pain/Carpal tunnel, Tennis/Golfer's Elbow and more. As an aside, I have also seen patients who were seeking relief from symptoms associated with Asthma or Digestive problems. Now I tell these patients that research supporting Chiropractic's effectiveness in treating these kinds of ailments is weak or even non-existent at this point. But I do explain the role that the body's nervous system has to play in regards to one's health. I also have informed these patients that we can try a few sessions and see if Chiropractic benefits them in any way, but if they don't see improvements, we can re-evaluate their case and possibly refer them to other health care providers. These cases even to my surprise, have usually resulted in relief for the patient.

I suppose these cases are a testament to the body's ability to heal if given some assistance. I think that modern day medicine is amazing in it's complexity and helps countless people everyday. However, I also feel that there are those people who do not find the relief they are looking for using traditional medicine. For those people I would encourage them to explore different options like, Chiropractic.

If you live by the Commercial Drive area in East Vancouver, stop by and say, hi!.If you want more information, contact YOUR COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC HERE!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "When Your Hip is Not the Cause of Hip Pain - Ask a Chiropractor"

I came across this article that discusses a common cause of hip pain; Bursitis. Bursitis is the inflammation of a fluid filled sack called a Bursa. There is a Bursa at the top of your Femur, which is the long leg bone in your thigh. Where the Femur connects to your hip bone, the bursa is supposed to help cushion the impact of the two bones when you put weight on it ie. standing, walking, running.

Here are the most common symptoms that indicate you might be dealing with Bursitis of the hip;

* Pain that occurs right at the point of the hip.
* Pain that radiates from the hip to the thigh.
* Pain that starts as severe and sharp, and becomes more aching and widespread.
* Pain that gets worse at night or when you lie on the bad hip.
* Pain that gets worse when standing after sitting for a long period.
* Pain that gets worse after prolonged periods of climbing stairs, squatting or walking.

But here's where the problem lies. These symptoms overlap with a few other causes of hip/ low back pain. So now what do you do? I have had many patients visit my office after they have visited their family doctor or clinic doctor only to leave with a prescription for pain relievers or referral for X-Rays.

After I've taken a complete history as well as a physical and specific Orthopaedic exam, many patients comment on how "thorough" my examinations are. I explain that a good history and exam can not only help doctors find out what a problem is, but also, what it isn't. Hip pain can be a case of Bursitis. But it can also be caused by; ligament sprain, muscle tear/strain, joint dysfunction, muscle imbalance etc. And as you may have guessed, treatment and home care can vary drastically depending on what is causing your hip/low back pain.

So the next time you are suffering from hip/low back pain, check with a Chiropractor first. Doing this can often save you time and needless suffering.

For a Chiropractor in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver contact COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN HERE!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Knee Alignment Linked to Osteoarthritis"

This study, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, was released online before being published in an upcoming print issue of the journal Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

The study suggested that people who's knees (Knee caps) point outwards may be at an increased risk of developing Osteoarthritis in the knees later on.

This knee position where the knees point outwards creates a relatively large space between the knees while the ankles are closer together. It resembles a condition commonly referred to as "bow-leggedness" but it's not as extreme. In anatomical terms, this position of the knees is referred to as the varus alignment.

The study looked at 2713 volunteers between the ages of 50-79 who had arthritis or who were at an increased risk of developing arthritis due to prior trauma or being overweight. As an aside; Osteoathritis is a painful, sometimes disabling condition where the cartilage at the ends of bones, meant to cushion joints, wears down over time. Often associated with 'wear and tear', Osteoarthritis will commonly affect major weight bearing joints like the ankles, knees and hips.

Volunteers with the outward facing knees were nearly 1.5 times more likely to develop osteoarthritis than those with a straight-legged stance. There was no increased risk for people with inner-facing knees (valgus alignment), the investigators found.

According to Dr. Leena Sharma of Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, about 70 percent of the force transmitted to a healthy knee while walking is focused on the inside of the knee. Therefore, when the knee faces outward, as in the varus alignment, there is even greater stress on the inside of the knee, which may increase the risk of osteoarthritis.

I hope this study helps people realize that undue stress of improper alignment in the joints can be harmful to your overall health in the short term and long term.
Now it would not be hard to translate the findings of this study that focused on the knees to other joints in the body like your pelvis or spine. Imagine if the pain and discomfort you are feeling was simply due to unnecessary pressure/strain on your joints due to a slight misalignment? These issues is what Chiropractor specialize in.
Finding and treating these joint issues in order to relieve strain and pain. Allowing our patients to return to a healthier, active lifestyle.

Looking for a Chiropractor in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver? Visit the site of YOUR COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC HERE!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Think Twice Before Giving Tylenol to Your Children"

This was a recent study that came out that looked at the relationship between usage of Tylenol in children and rates of Asthma and other allergies. As an aside, some of you may remember a recall that involved Children's Tylenol a few months back. Although unrelated to this study, it does emphasize the need for parents to practice discretion before they give Tylenol, or any other drugs, to their children.

On to the study. New research from around the world is finding that teens who regularly take acetominophen, better known as Tylenol, for pain and reducing fevers are more than twice as likely to have asthma compared to teens who never take Tylenol. But that's not all. Taking acetaminophen was also linked to an increased chance of eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis, or allergic nasal congestion, in adolescents.

However, the researchers were quick to point out that this was a retrospective, epidemiological study. Which means that the researchers interviewed teens and asked them to recall their use of Tylenol and how it related to their asthma and symptoms. This method, understandably does not allow the researchers to draw a definitive connection between Tylenol use and causing asthma. But to their credit, the researchers did point out that their sample size was quite large. This was an international study and involved nearly 323,000 children between the ages of 13 and 14.

"Medium" users of acetaminophen were those who had taken the drug at least once during the prior year; "high" users were those who reported taking acetaminophen at least once a month for the past year.

The risk of having asthma was nearly 2.5 times higher among frequent users, and 43 percent higher among medium users than those who never took acetaminophen.

The study will be published Aug. 13 on the American Thoracic Society's Web site and will later appear in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Researchers postulate that acetominophen (Tylenol) may interfere with a child's developing immune system. Others studies have found that Tylenol may lower the levels of Glutathione in the lungs, a substance that is important in detoxification. The idea is that with less Glutathione, increased toxins are allowed to accumulate which prompts the body to respond with an inflammatory response, thus resulting in Asthma or asthma-like symptoms in the sufferer.

This study, although not wholly conclusive regarding a causative relationship between Tylenol use and Asthma, should cause some caution in parents. With the incidence of Asthma in children on the rise, this study is another reminder for parents to think twice before liberally resorting to Tylenol for pain or fever in children.

If you live near the Commercial Drive neighborhood in East Vancouver, find out more about your COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC HERE!!!>