Monday, June 29, 2009

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - FYI: Introduction to X-Rays

In my practice, I see many patients that have seen their family doctors or a clinic doctor before they visit me. In many cases, they tell me that they received an x-ray.
Occasionally, my patients will ask me, "What are x-rays?" and "What are they supposed to show?"

Well here's a brief description of what x-rays are and how they can be helpful. X-rays are a type of radiation or light energy that are powerful enough to pass through most materials. However, they have difficulty passing through denser materials such as bone and metal. Therefore, when you look at an x-ray (like the one shown), denser materials like bones, appear white while less dense matter like muscles, air or fat appear darker or even black.

So why are they useful? Well many patients that I see with significant lower back or spinal pain understandably consult their family doctors first. Especially in cases where the patient has also suffered trauma, such as a fall or an accident, the doctor is wanting to make sure there is no fracture of bones. In addition, the doctor may also want to make sure there is no serious internal injury as well, and may order x-rays to confirm this. So often the order for x-rays is to "rule out" serious damage to the bones or other internal structures.

In some instances, if the x-rays show nothing out of the ordinary, the next level of diagnostic imaging may include CT (CAT) Scans or MRI's

Hope this sheds some light on why Doctors and Chiropractors may order x-rays for their patients. If you have any questions, be sure to ask your doctor or leave me a message.

Remember, if you live in East Vancouver and Commercial Drive is close by, you can reach your COMMERCIAL DRIVE CHIROPRACTOR IN EAST VANCOUVER HERE!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - FYI: Let's Get Out and Swim!

As the weather starts to heat up with the arrival of summer, more and more people are going to look to the water to cool off and for exercise!

Swimming is a terrific form of exercise. Swimming requires the use of all major muscle groups, so it can be a very effective and efficient form of exercise. The type of exercise that swimmers can experience, not only benefits their cardiovascular system but because of the water, swimmers can also get a strength workout.

In addition, many people who suffer from joint problems will often report that swimming is one of the easiest forms of exercise on their bodies! With the buoyancy of the water, they feel that there is far less stress on their joints.

If you are by the Commercial Drive neighborhood in East Vancouver, please visit the website of your COMMERCIAL DRIVE CHIROPRACTOR IN EAST VANCOUVER!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - FYI: Pomegranate Packs a Punch!

In recent years Pomegranate juice seems to be popping up everywhere!

So much so that I have definitely noticed the increase in patients asking me what are my thoughts on Pomegranate. So naturally, I decided to write a post about it. I think Pomegranate and Pomegranate juice in particular, is great! But don't just take my word for it, here some facts about Pomegranate juice.

Pomegranate juice is one of the healthiest juices available. To start, one glass of this juice contains about 40% of the US recommended daily dose of Vitamin C. Along with Vitamin C, Pomegranate juice also contains Vitamins A, E and Folate in significant quantities.

In addition, Pomegranate juice is known to be high in substances called, Antioxidants. Antioxidants are important because they have been linked to cardiovascular health. Preliminary studies have suggested that Pomegranate juice may be helpful in preventing heart disease, heart attacks and stroke. But it doesn't end there. Other tests have shown that Pomegranate juice helped to slow the growth of prostate cancer in mice. So listen up men, Pomegranate juice may just be the easiest, and tastiest way to protect your prostate!

Do you live in East Vancouver? Is Commercial Drive nearby? Get more information about your COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - FYI: Eat Your Greens!

Hi All!

Now with the summertime upon us, it's ideal to go out and enjoy nature's abundance. The lower mainland produces some of the best produce in the world, so why not enjoy a summer salad tonight?

Now, we all remember our mothers gently reminding us to, "eat your vegetables!" but why are they so good for us anyways? Well here it is in a nutshell.
Vegetables (and we will focus on leafy greens today) are power packed with vitamins and minerals that we all need for optimal health. Not only that, but the fiber in these vegetables is good for our digestive health as well.

Leafy green vegetables are a great source of Vitamins; A, C and K. As well as Folate, Iron and Calcium. Folate for example, is extremely important to the proper development of a baby's nervous system.

Now, something you may not have known is that when you do eat these vegetables, it's recommended that you add just a little bit of dietary fat like butter, olive or canola oil, or dressing so your body absorbs the Vitamins better!

Wow, who would have known these delicious plants packed such a punch!

If you or any of your loved ones are looking for a Chiropractor in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, please check out the website of your YOUR COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - FYI: Calcium and Vitamin D

Did you know that Calcium and Vitamin D share a very close relationship in your body?

Calcium, as many people know, plays an important role to the strength of your bones. Especially as people get older and the concern over Osteoporosis increases, Calcium in your body is crucial to your health.

However, you may not know that for Calcium to be properly absorbed and utilized in your body, it needs Vitamin D. Luckily, Vitamin D is readily available by getting a moderate exposure to sunshine. Nevertheless, living in Vancouver, sometimes the amount of sunshine we receive is not ideal. So, as you may have noticed, milk in the grocery store is often 'fortified' with Vitamin D.

Remember, if you're looking for a Chiropractor in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, check out the website of your COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - FYI: Golf - Watch that Swing!!

As we are on the verge of summer, more and more people are hitting the range and golf courses. Now being overzealous and taking huge wacks at the ball are normal. However, slow and steady really is a good policy.

In my practice, I notice that many people who "throw out their backs" tell me the position that got them in trouble was bending over, with a little turn. Ok interesting, because isn't that the very position that golfers find themselves in when they are hitting the ball?? In short, yes it is. So what's the moral of the story. First, stretch before you start hitting balls. A few minutes of preparing the body can save you so much pain later. Secondly, as a golfer myself, I'm a big believer in starting out slow first. Develop a rhythm you can re-produce. Then, you can gradually add more speed.

Too many golfers (mainly the guys), go out there and try to hit 250 yards right off the bat. However, unless your name begins with Tiger and ends in Woods, this is probably a recipe for disaster. So take it slow. You've got 18 holes to play, so why not start it off right and get better as you go along?

For more information on a Chirorpactor in the Commercial Drive area of East Vancouver, check out the website for your COMMERCIAL DRIVE-EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - Treating at The City of Surrey Invitational Golf Tournament

This past Saturday, I was at beautiful Hazelmere Golf Course to treat the athletes at The City of Surrey Invitational Golf Tournament.

This is the lower mainland stop for the Canadian Golf Tour. This year's field included players from all over the world. Countries represented include; Chile, Thailand, Japan, New Zealand, US and Canada, just to name a few!

This is my fourth year treating at this tournament and it continues to be a great experience. The golfers are so appreciative of the treatment and care we offer. Many go on to feel immediate relief and most importantly, they go on to play a better round of golf!!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan - FYI: Want to Lose Weight? Get More Sleep!

Did you know that studies have shown that sleep deprived individuals tend to gravitate towards foods that are carbohydrate rich? In addition, your sleeping habits can be having a greater effect on your diet than you might think. A 2006 study by the Institute of Medicine reported that lack of sleep correlated to obesity.

The culprit may be hormonal. Studies have indicated that lack of sleep lowers your body's production of a hormone called Leptin. Leptin plays a role in suppressing your appetite. What's worse, lack of sleep also seems to raise the level of another hormone called Ghrelin, in your body. As you might have guessed, Ghrelin appears to stimulate your appetite.

So if you're watching your weight, take another look at your sleeping habits. It may be as simple as catching more ZZZZZZZ's!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Commercial Drive Chiropractor in East Vancouver; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - Alternative Exercise Programs

Hi all! Sometimes I get questions from patients about exercise programs that are easier on the body and joints. Due to various factors such as stiffness, age, and comfort, traditional exercise programs may not be appealing to all patients.

However, an alternative that is not only fun and healthy, but also easier on the joints is swimming or aqua-fit classes. A couple of patients have tried aqua-fit classes and have really enjoyed them. They have told me that not only do they get a good workout but they also enjoy the social setting as well. Sometimes, participating in exercise with a group makes it less intimidating and often, more fun!

So if you're struggling to find an exercise program that works for you, why not look to the pool?


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Commercial Drive (East Vancouver) Chiropractor; FYI: How Young/Old Do You Have to Be to Benefit from Chiropractic?

Truth be told, there really is no age limit to who can benefit from Chiropractic care. I have personally treated patients as young as 6 months, all the way to 93 years young! Anyone, regardless of age can benefit from having their muscles and joints worked on. In addition, Chiropractic care can also help to ensure that your nervous system is working as it should and is healthy. Remember, not only is your Central nervous system (Brain and Spinal cord) the "Main computer" for your body, the nerves are also crucial to how your body communicates with your brain.

To stress the importance of your Nervous system, the brain is encased in a hard, strong compartment called your skull. Likewise, your spinal cord is protected by the bones that make up your spine. Now, just think about that. If these structures weren't vitally important to life and your health in general, why would mother nature go out of her way to protect them by encasing them in bone? Makes you think doesn't it?

As always, for further insight on how Chiropractic can benefit your health be sure to visit the website of your COMMERCIAL DRIVE CHIROPRACTOR IN EAST VANCOUVER!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Commercial Drive Chiropractor (East Vancouver) - Dr. Dominic Chan DC : FYI - Repetitive Strain Injuries ( RSI )

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI's)

RSI are injuries that are becoming more and more prevalent in today's society as people's work becomes more integrated with a computer. We are talking about injuries such as sore wrists and forearms. Tension in the shoulders, back and neck. Headaches, numbness and acute pain, are possible signs of RSI.

Aside from the obvious discomfort experienced by the patient, RSI's also have other harmful effects. Decreased productivity at work, lack of focus/concentration, decreased morale, and possible long term disability if not addressed and treated.

Good ideas for anyone who works on a computer are;
1) take regular breaks (this not only helps the muscles but your eyes as well).
2) stretch the shoulders, neck and arms.
3) make sure you use good ergonomics and that your workstation doesn't contribute to
unnecesary strain.
4) don't ignore the early warning signs of tightness, discomfort or numbness! Neglecting these signs can make your condition worse and pave the way for a
chronic condition.

For more advice or information, don't forget to visit your COMMERCIAL DRIVE CHIROPRACTOR IN EAST VANCOUVER!