Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - " Diabetes On Your Mind?.....Lose Weight Now!"

Gastric bypass surgery has been in the news for years now. Most commonly associated as a drastic way to lose weight, especially for those who have failed with conventional methods like diet and exercise. Gastric bypass is seen as pretty much a 'last resort' for those looking to shed unwanted and unhealthy pounds. However, newer research coming out is showing that losing all that abdominal fat can have significant implications for other health issues as well such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

In a new study, 15 participants who had gastric bypass surgery were followed and later observed. 6 months after the surgery, the participants showed a decrease in inflammation associated with type II diabetes and heart disease. In addition, helpful proteins that can help to reduce inflammation were noted to have increased in the group. The results will be released in an upcoming issue of Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases.
"We're amassing evidence that weight loss is a very important part of changing the way the body's systems work in people with high-risk diseases like diabetes and heart disease," chief investigator Gary D. Miller, an associate professor at Wake Forest University, said in a university news release.

Now I know the vast majority of people will not be candidates for gastric bypass surgery, however, this study does show a correlation with weight loss and beneficial effects concerning other health issues like cardiovascular health and diabetes. Most people out there realize that they are carrying a 'few extra pounds' but feel almost helpless to do anything about it. Maybe time gets in the way? family or work responsibilities take a priority? Well, I'm encouraging you; "Don't put it off!"

In my practice I offer all my patients lifestyle advice that not only helps their backs, but their entire bodies, including exercise and nutrition advice. Making small changes that can help you keep your weight under control can have lasting benefits in the future. We all know that Diabetes is at epidemic proportions in society today, so why not make healthy choices now to prevent the chance of you getting this disease later?

Leave a comment or if you're in the Commercial Drive area of East Vancouver, come visit the office. You can also visit my website here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!!!

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