This is a question I know a lot of people who have never tried Chiropractic have, "...will it hurt?" From my experience dealing with people who have never been to a Chiropractor before on a weekly basis, here's my honest take on this age old question.
Chiropractic adjustments CAN hurt. Now I placed the emphasis on the "CAN" because there can be a lot of factors to consider when advising someone on pain. What does that mean? Well first off, different people will have different tolerances for pain. What one person calls, 'pain', another may call, 'uncomfortable'. Who's to say? I guess that's personal opinion. Now what I focus on when it comes to my patient's well-being and comfort are the things in my control.
First off, regular treatment sessions in my office are at least 15 minutes long. I never like to rush through a treatment. In addition, all patients in my office will receive massage and soft tissue therapy. I believe working on tension in the muscles that will invariably be present, will lay the path for a more successful treatment.
Secondly, I am adamant about using good technique. In my opinion, I think there are Chiropractors who rely on brute force to adjust a patient and overlook technique. This situation is analogous to the saying, "... why use a sledgehammer when a chisel will do?" I believe focusing on good technique not only makes adjusting the patient easier, but allows the patient to feel better after, likely avoiding the 'soreness' people report AFTER treatment. My logic is a patient is already in discomfort when they come see me, so I'll do everything I can to ensure they feel better when they leave.
Lastly, I would like to say that sometimes pain and discomfort, despite all good intentions, is unavoidable. My patients have reported to me occasionally that they were sore after a treatment. However, this situation happens about 50% of the time, with the rest saying they did not feel sore after wards.
During an adjustments, most patients say they feel a 'big stretch', or 'pressure' but not usually pain. On the occasions where a patient does report pain during an adjustment, it is likely because they have sought my care during a very acute bout of severe pain. In these instances, many of these patients are unable to do simple things like putting on socks, without pain.
On the other hand, many of these patients are aware of their predicament but feel assured that the momentary pain they feel during an adjustment will be good for them in the long term. With this in mind, I advise them before treatment to expect soreness. I explain that regardless of treatment or not, they are already suffering so it's better to feel uncomfortable and be on the road to recovery versus suffering and being helpless.
I hope that sheds some light on this question. I know every case/patient will be different but I intended to give a honest account of what I see in my practice when it comes to Chiropractic treatments and pain associated with it.
If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, be sure to stop by or contact me at my website; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN>
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