In my practice the majority of my patients will see me because of some pain/discomfort or loss of function. By this I mean, the patient definitely notices things they used to do, they are now unable to do or has become really difficult. The majority of times the area in question is centered around the spine. However, it's not just the lower back that can be treated with a Chiropractic adjustment, but anywhere there's a joint.
I have successfully treated, mid-back, upper-back, neck, and shoulder pain as well. Now to be up front, not all areas I have found will respond the same to Chiropractic adjustments. It depends on various factors such as stress, working environment, underlying health issues, previous injuries, and even weight. For instance I have seen several patients that have revealed to me during an initial history/interview that they have knee issues, but that's usually followed by the statement, "....but you probably can't do anything about that." Then to their surprise, I will treat and adjust their knee. Many times they will leave a treatment session feeling relief in their knees, and a look of surprise!
Another issue I see a lot is mid-back pain that is often associated with discomfort breathing. This is often accompanied with the comment, "...every time I take a deep breath or cough/sneeze, I feel the pain come back really intensely". After an examination, the cause is actually a displaced or mis-aligned rib. These types of cases respond really well to a Chiropractic adjustment and patients generally report immediate relief.
Other conditions that I have treated in my office are; Headaches, Shoulder pain/ Rotator cuff injuries, Ankle problems, Wrist pain/Carpal tunnel, Tennis/Golfer's Elbow and more. As an aside, I have also seen patients who were seeking relief from symptoms associated with Asthma or Digestive problems. Now I tell these patients that research supporting Chiropractic's effectiveness in treating these kinds of ailments is weak or even non-existent at this point. But I do explain the role that the body's nervous system has to play in regards to one's health. I also have informed these patients that we can try a few sessions and see if Chiropractic benefits them in any way, but if they don't see improvements, we can re-evaluate their case and possibly refer them to other health care providers. These cases even to my surprise, have usually resulted in relief for the patient.
I suppose these cases are a testament to the body's ability to heal if given some assistance. I think that modern day medicine is amazing in it's complexity and helps countless people everyday. However, I also feel that there are those people who do not find the relief they are looking for using traditional medicine. For those people I would encourage them to explore different options like, Chiropractic.
If you live by the Commercial Drive area in East Vancouver, stop by and say, hi!.If you want more information, contact YOUR COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC HERE!!!
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