This blog is for Dr. Dominic Chan BSc, DC. A Chiropractor who serves the Commercial Drive Community in beautiful East Vancouver, B.C. This blog helps Dr. Chan stay in touch with patients as well as allowing visitors to learn more about Dr. Chan's practice and health in general.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Chronic Low Back Pain on an Alarming Rise"
This is a study that I came across from the United States. This study was conducted in the state of North Carolina and looked at the incidences of chronic, impairing low back pain in the state. In 1992 the incidence rate was reported at 3.9% of the population suffered from chronic low back pain. In 2006, this rate was reported at a drastically higher 10.2%.
Researchers believe that although the study was conducted in only one state, the general trend was likely occurring across the United States, and probably even Canada. This study was published in the Feb. 9, 2009, issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine. "Considering the social and economic costs of chronic low back pain, these findings are alarming," said the study's principal investigator Timothy S. Carey, M.D., director of the Sheps Center and Sarah Graham Kenan Professor in the departments of medicine and social medicine in the UNC School of Medicine. "Low back pain is the second most common cause of disability in the United States and a common reason for missing work."
Carey noted that more than 80 percent of Americans will experience an episode of low back pain at some time in their lives and that total costs of the condition are estimated at greater than $100 billion annually, with two-thirds of that due to decreased wages and productivity.
The alarming increase in cases of chronic low back pain is very alarming and researchers have proposed several possible explanations. Some believe the reasons could range from increased incidences of obesity, depression or even a better understanding of the condition.
But what's important to note is that the research was done investigating the current health care model used to deal with chronic low back pain. Unfortunately, the current model relies heavily on the medical system with visits to family doctors, walk-in clinics and emergency rooms.
I think research like this is a clear indication that we need to look at other ways of addressing this issue. Many medical doctors are just not equipped to offer these patients the kind of relief they are looking for. As this study suggested, out of the 5,300 households contacted, less than 50% of the respondents with low back pain reported their doctors recommended exercise. Even though there is a substantial body of evidence now that shows that exercise can be very beneficial to suffers of chronic low back pain.
I find this situation disappointing but I can't say I'm completely surprised. With other studies showing Chiropractic doctors have hundreds of hours more of training regarding anatomy compared to Medical doctors, maybe chronic low back patients should be going straight to the Chiropractor.
If you are by the Commercial Drive neighborhood in East Vancouver come stop by Dr. Chan's clinic or visit COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC HERE!!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Does Chiropractic Hurt?"
This is a question I know a lot of people who have never tried Chiropractic have, "...will it hurt?" From my experience dealing with people who have never been to a Chiropractor before on a weekly basis, here's my honest take on this age old question.
Chiropractic adjustments CAN hurt. Now I placed the emphasis on the "CAN" because there can be a lot of factors to consider when advising someone on pain. What does that mean? Well first off, different people will have different tolerances for pain. What one person calls, 'pain', another may call, 'uncomfortable'. Who's to say? I guess that's personal opinion. Now what I focus on when it comes to my patient's well-being and comfort are the things in my control.
First off, regular treatment sessions in my office are at least 15 minutes long. I never like to rush through a treatment. In addition, all patients in my office will receive massage and soft tissue therapy. I believe working on tension in the muscles that will invariably be present, will lay the path for a more successful treatment.
Secondly, I am adamant about using good technique. In my opinion, I think there are Chiropractors who rely on brute force to adjust a patient and overlook technique. This situation is analogous to the saying, "... why use a sledgehammer when a chisel will do?" I believe focusing on good technique not only makes adjusting the patient easier, but allows the patient to feel better after, likely avoiding the 'soreness' people report AFTER treatment. My logic is a patient is already in discomfort when they come see me, so I'll do everything I can to ensure they feel better when they leave.
Lastly, I would like to say that sometimes pain and discomfort, despite all good intentions, is unavoidable. My patients have reported to me occasionally that they were sore after a treatment. However, this situation happens about 50% of the time, with the rest saying they did not feel sore after wards.
During an adjustments, most patients say they feel a 'big stretch', or 'pressure' but not usually pain. On the occasions where a patient does report pain during an adjustment, it is likely because they have sought my care during a very acute bout of severe pain. In these instances, many of these patients are unable to do simple things like putting on socks, without pain.
On the other hand, many of these patients are aware of their predicament but feel assured that the momentary pain they feel during an adjustment will be good for them in the long term. With this in mind, I advise them before treatment to expect soreness. I explain that regardless of treatment or not, they are already suffering so it's better to feel uncomfortable and be on the road to recovery versus suffering and being helpless.
I hope that sheds some light on this question. I know every case/patient will be different but I intended to give a honest account of what I see in my practice when it comes to Chiropractic treatments and pain associated with it.
If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, be sure to stop by or contact me at my website; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN>
Monday, September 13, 2010
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "What Conditions Do Chiropractors Treat?"
In my practice the majority of my patients will see me because of some pain/discomfort or loss of function. By this I mean, the patient definitely notices things they used to do, they are now unable to do or has become really difficult. The majority of times the area in question is centered around the spine. However, it's not just the lower back that can be treated with a Chiropractic adjustment, but anywhere there's a joint.
I have successfully treated, mid-back, upper-back, neck, and shoulder pain as well. Now to be up front, not all areas I have found will respond the same to Chiropractic adjustments. It depends on various factors such as stress, working environment, underlying health issues, previous injuries, and even weight. For instance I have seen several patients that have revealed to me during an initial history/interview that they have knee issues, but that's usually followed by the statement, "....but you probably can't do anything about that." Then to their surprise, I will treat and adjust their knee. Many times they will leave a treatment session feeling relief in their knees, and a look of surprise!
Another issue I see a lot is mid-back pain that is often associated with discomfort breathing. This is often accompanied with the comment, "...every time I take a deep breath or cough/sneeze, I feel the pain come back really intensely". After an examination, the cause is actually a displaced or mis-aligned rib. These types of cases respond really well to a Chiropractic adjustment and patients generally report immediate relief.
Other conditions that I have treated in my office are; Headaches, Shoulder pain/ Rotator cuff injuries, Ankle problems, Wrist pain/Carpal tunnel, Tennis/Golfer's Elbow and more. As an aside, I have also seen patients who were seeking relief from symptoms associated with Asthma or Digestive problems. Now I tell these patients that research supporting Chiropractic's effectiveness in treating these kinds of ailments is weak or even non-existent at this point. But I do explain the role that the body's nervous system has to play in regards to one's health. I also have informed these patients that we can try a few sessions and see if Chiropractic benefits them in any way, but if they don't see improvements, we can re-evaluate their case and possibly refer them to other health care providers. These cases even to my surprise, have usually resulted in relief for the patient.
I suppose these cases are a testament to the body's ability to heal if given some assistance. I think that modern day medicine is amazing in it's complexity and helps countless people everyday. However, I also feel that there are those people who do not find the relief they are looking for using traditional medicine. For those people I would encourage them to explore different options like, Chiropractic.
If you live by the Commercial Drive area in East Vancouver, stop by and say, hi!.If you want more information, contact YOUR COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC HERE!!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "When Your Hip is Not the Cause of Hip Pain - Ask a Chiropractor"
I came across this article that discusses a common cause of hip pain; Bursitis. Bursitis is the inflammation of a fluid filled sack called a Bursa. There is a Bursa at the top of your Femur, which is the long leg bone in your thigh. Where the Femur connects to your hip bone, the bursa is supposed to help cushion the impact of the two bones when you put weight on it ie. standing, walking, running.
Here are the most common symptoms that indicate you might be dealing with Bursitis of the hip;
* Pain that occurs right at the point of the hip.
* Pain that radiates from the hip to the thigh.
* Pain that starts as severe and sharp, and becomes more aching and widespread.
* Pain that gets worse at night or when you lie on the bad hip.
* Pain that gets worse when standing after sitting for a long period.
* Pain that gets worse after prolonged periods of climbing stairs, squatting or walking.
But here's where the problem lies. These symptoms overlap with a few other causes of hip/ low back pain. So now what do you do? I have had many patients visit my office after they have visited their family doctor or clinic doctor only to leave with a prescription for pain relievers or referral for X-Rays.
After I've taken a complete history as well as a physical and specific Orthopaedic exam, many patients comment on how "thorough" my examinations are. I explain that a good history and exam can not only help doctors find out what a problem is, but also, what it isn't. Hip pain can be a case of Bursitis. But it can also be caused by; ligament sprain, muscle tear/strain, joint dysfunction, muscle imbalance etc. And as you may have guessed, treatment and home care can vary drastically depending on what is causing your hip/low back pain.
So the next time you are suffering from hip/low back pain, check with a Chiropractor first. Doing this can often save you time and needless suffering.
For a Chiropractor in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver contact COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN HERE!!!!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Knee Alignment Linked to Osteoarthritis"
This study, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, was released online before being published in an upcoming print issue of the journal Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
The study suggested that people who's knees (Knee caps) point outwards may be at an increased risk of developing Osteoarthritis in the knees later on.
This knee position where the knees point outwards creates a relatively large space between the knees while the ankles are closer together. It resembles a condition commonly referred to as "bow-leggedness" but it's not as extreme. In anatomical terms, this position of the knees is referred to as the varus alignment.
The study looked at 2713 volunteers between the ages of 50-79 who had arthritis or who were at an increased risk of developing arthritis due to prior trauma or being overweight. As an aside; Osteoathritis is a painful, sometimes disabling condition where the cartilage at the ends of bones, meant to cushion joints, wears down over time. Often associated with 'wear and tear', Osteoarthritis will commonly affect major weight bearing joints like the ankles, knees and hips.
Volunteers with the outward facing knees were nearly 1.5 times more likely to develop osteoarthritis than those with a straight-legged stance. There was no increased risk for people with inner-facing knees (valgus alignment), the investigators found.
According to Dr. Leena Sharma of Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, about 70 percent of the force transmitted to a healthy knee while walking is focused on the inside of the knee. Therefore, when the knee faces outward, as in the varus alignment, there is even greater stress on the inside of the knee, which may increase the risk of osteoarthritis.
I hope this study helps people realize that undue stress of improper alignment in the joints can be harmful to your overall health in the short term and long term.
Now it would not be hard to translate the findings of this study that focused on the knees to other joints in the body like your pelvis or spine. Imagine if the pain and discomfort you are feeling was simply due to unnecessary pressure/strain on your joints due to a slight misalignment? These issues is what Chiropractor specialize in.
Finding and treating these joint issues in order to relieve strain and pain. Allowing our patients to return to a healthier, active lifestyle.
Looking for a Chiropractor in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver? Visit the site of YOUR COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC HERE!!!
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