Just a few days after Mother's day, I got to thinking about women's health and I was reminded about how little women know about Strokes and how it relates to Cadiovascular health.
I know there is a lot of attention paid to Cancer in the media and especially Breast Cancer. Now I'm not saying that isn't a worthy cause and an important investment in time and resources but let's review the facts.
A survey found that nearly 40% of women aren't even concerned of strokes. However, the sobering fact is that a stroke is twice as likely to prove fatal to a woman than breast cancer is. Another interesting survey finding is that women believe that Breast Cancer is Five times more common than a stroke, but that is grossly exaggerated. Other health professionals also reported that women often miss the signs of a stroke and even worse, are less likely than men to have it treated when they do have one!
What's going on here?? If Strokes are 1)more common than Breast cancer and 2)more likely to be fatal to a woman, then why is there still the lack of understanding in the general public?
Well, the key lies in education and exposure. We are regularly bombarded with public service announcements about Breast Cancer and it's related charities. However, seldom are women reminded to review their cardiovascular health. Here, I've listed a few of the symptoms of a stroke. If a woman, or anybody for that matter, suffers these symptoms, make sure they get the appropriate medical attention ASAP!!
* Sudden difficulty speaking, understanding speech, or confusion
* Sudden numbness or weakness in the limbs, particularly on one side
* Sudden facial drooping or numbness and weakness on one side of the face
* Sudden balance problems, dizziness or trouble walking
* Sudden difficulty seeing with one or both eyes
* Sudden severe headache
Please don't wait. Tell a woman, you love that they need to be wary of their heart health as well!
Visit East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Chan's website here at COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC
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