A study that appears in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics wanted to measure the difference between Spinal manipulation (Chiropractic), Acupuncture and Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory (NSAID's) drugs for Chronic back pain.
For those who may be confused, NSAID's are a class of drugs that are readily taken for pain relief. However, they also have the added benefit of having anti-inflammatory properties. They are more recognized for their brand names; Ibuprofen, Advil or Motrin.
This study followed a group of patients who were reported to be suffering from 'chronic back/spinal pain'. The participants were separated into three groups; one group received Acupuncture treatment, another group only took NSAID medication and the last group received Chiropractic spinal manipulation.
Follow up was done after 30 days to see how the participants in the different groups fared. What the researchers found was surprising. At 30 days of follow up, only the Chiropractic group showed statistically significant changes. That is to say individuals in the other groups may have felt better, but as a whole, not enough to be 'significant' upon analysis.
This study reinforces what I've heard in my office for years, "Chiropractic helps people suffering from back/spinal pain, even if it's been there for a long time"
Now a disclaimer. I had a chance to review this study and I have to admit, I think the sample size was small. It appears about 77 people started out in this study. I generally like to see a study involve many more people to get a better idea of a general effect in a population. But on the other hand, I think this study warrants some further investigation in a larger study. Not only would it be interesting to see if the same effects can be replicated in a larger sample but maybe a larger sample group could allow for a control group as well. In other words, a group of people who receive no treatment intervention at all.
For more information about your Chiropractor in East Vancouver, contact YOUR COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN HERE!!!
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