This blog is for Dr. Dominic Chan BSc, DC. A Chiropractor who serves the Commercial Drive Community in beautiful East Vancouver, B.C. This blog helps Dr. Chan stay in touch with patients as well as allowing visitors to learn more about Dr. Chan's practice and health in general.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Who's the 'Typical' Chiropractic Patient?"
When I look at my practice, it seems to me that I can identify a 'typical' Chiropractic patient. Now of course it wouldn't be fair to generalize but I do believe there is a pattern. Following up on this, it seems that I'm not the only one. Stumbling across some research, it seems that others have also asked this very question and this is some of the tid-bits they came up with.
The 'Typical' Chiropractic patient is;
- Female
- Between the ages of 30-49
- Well educated, with chances being good of a post-secondary education.
- Often has researched her health-care options
- Top three health related searches are for;
a) Disease and Conditions (60%)
b) Medical Treatments and procedures (47%)
c) Vitamins, minerals and supplements (44%)
Now adding to that, I'd like to share some personal insights on the general trends I see in my practice.
Most of my patients are in seek of pain/symptom relief (Over 90%). I do have some patients that see me without any complaints. But they realize the benefits of Chiropractic and are looking to maintain their health and vitality. (A few of these patients have described it to me like getting a 'tune-up' for their bodies)
I would estimate that about 70% of my patients are at least mildly active. Meaning they do get out to participate in activities like walking, biking and regular exercise. This last trend is very important to me because I prescribe stretches and exercise for 100% of my patients!
I like to use this analogy a lot because it's so simple and implicit that there's little ambiguity here. I often ask my patients if they brush their teeth? Almost everyone says yes, many saying twice a day. Then I proceed to ask them why? The natural response is, "Well, it's good for me and it prevents cavities and other problems from occurring". Exactly correct!!
However consider this, you could conceivably go for days without eating and using your teeth. But, you could not go for days without using your muscles, joints and spine. So, the question is, "Why do most people take better care of their teeth, than they do their bodies?"
Encouraging a healthy lifestyle for all my patients is very important to me. Luckily for me, most of my patients understand the connection between healthy habits and a healthy body. This is paramount to me because most of my patients will not receive this kind of lifestyle advice from any of their health-care providers on a regular basis.
If you have questions regarding how Chiropractic could help you, CONTACT YOUR COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC HERE!!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Think One Diet Fits All?...Think Again!"
Many of my patients are encouraged to exercise and adopt healthier lifestyle changes for their overall well-being. In addition, the recommendations for more exercise usually isn't met with a lot of resistance because most people want to lose a few pounds here and there.
However, my patients sometimes admit that they have tried fad diets and changed their eating habits before only to lose momentum and return to old, unhealthy habits. Well, this article I came across may shed some light as to why many people are unable or unwilling to stick to a new diet.
Now first of, what I'm about to say probably makes a lot of sense in theory but may be very hard to practice. YOU MUST BE HONEST. The honesty I speak of is the conversation you must have with yourself as to what you want to achieve, how committed you are and what you are willing to do to get to your goals.
Choosing a weight-loss plan that's going to work "takes some self-reflection," said Amy Jamieson-Petonic, a registered dietitian who directs wellness coaching at the Cleveland Clinic and is a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
You must analyze your current eating habits and see where you are willing to make changes. And remember what worked for your best friend, may not necessarily work for you. But the point is, get educated about your options!!
Here are a few tips to look for in a diet;
* Does the plan include a variety of foods?
* Does it include high-fiber foods?
* Does it educate you on the value of foods that are low in saturated fat?
* Does it tell you about "good" fats, such as olive oil?
Look to make small changes slowly instead of making too many dramatic changes overnight. Remember, a new diet is going to be part of a new lifestyle, so give yourself some time and room for a 'setback' here and there on your journey.
One more thing to look out for. Stay away from Diets that claim you will not have to exercise at all!! I think that's just common sense. You are looking at this change as a way of life and being active will have to be a part of it. But heck, you're worth it right?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Women Often Underestimate Strokes"
Just a few days after Mother's day, I got to thinking about women's health and I was reminded about how little women know about Strokes and how it relates to Cadiovascular health.
I know there is a lot of attention paid to Cancer in the media and especially Breast Cancer. Now I'm not saying that isn't a worthy cause and an important investment in time and resources but let's review the facts.
A survey found that nearly 40% of women aren't even concerned of strokes. However, the sobering fact is that a stroke is twice as likely to prove fatal to a woman than breast cancer is. Another interesting survey finding is that women believe that Breast Cancer is Five times more common than a stroke, but that is grossly exaggerated. Other health professionals also reported that women often miss the signs of a stroke and even worse, are less likely than men to have it treated when they do have one!
What's going on here?? If Strokes are 1)more common than Breast cancer and 2)more likely to be fatal to a woman, then why is there still the lack of understanding in the general public?
Well, the key lies in education and exposure. We are regularly bombarded with public service announcements about Breast Cancer and it's related charities. However, seldom are women reminded to review their cardiovascular health. Here, I've listed a few of the symptoms of a stroke. If a woman, or anybody for that matter, suffers these symptoms, make sure they get the appropriate medical attention ASAP!!
* Sudden difficulty speaking, understanding speech, or confusion
* Sudden numbness or weakness in the limbs, particularly on one side
* Sudden facial drooping or numbness and weakness on one side of the face
* Sudden balance problems, dizziness or trouble walking
* Sudden difficulty seeing with one or both eyes
* Sudden severe headache
Please don't wait. Tell a woman, you love that they need to be wary of their heart health as well!
Visit East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Chan's website here at COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Study Suggests Chiropractic Better for Chronic Back Pain"
A study that appears in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics wanted to measure the difference between Spinal manipulation (Chiropractic), Acupuncture and Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory (NSAID's) drugs for Chronic back pain.
For those who may be confused, NSAID's are a class of drugs that are readily taken for pain relief. However, they also have the added benefit of having anti-inflammatory properties. They are more recognized for their brand names; Ibuprofen, Advil or Motrin.
This study followed a group of patients who were reported to be suffering from 'chronic back/spinal pain'. The participants were separated into three groups; one group received Acupuncture treatment, another group only took NSAID medication and the last group received Chiropractic spinal manipulation.
Follow up was done after 30 days to see how the participants in the different groups fared. What the researchers found was surprising. At 30 days of follow up, only the Chiropractic group showed statistically significant changes. That is to say individuals in the other groups may have felt better, but as a whole, not enough to be 'significant' upon analysis.
This study reinforces what I've heard in my office for years, "Chiropractic helps people suffering from back/spinal pain, even if it's been there for a long time"
Now a disclaimer. I had a chance to review this study and I have to admit, I think the sample size was small. It appears about 77 people started out in this study. I generally like to see a study involve many more people to get a better idea of a general effect in a population. But on the other hand, I think this study warrants some further investigation in a larger study. Not only would it be interesting to see if the same effects can be replicated in a larger sample but maybe a larger sample group could allow for a control group as well. In other words, a group of people who receive no treatment intervention at all.
For more information about your Chiropractor in East Vancouver, contact YOUR COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN HERE!!!
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