Sunday, June 8, 2008

Doing good for those in need

Okay, so I happened to be reading an article in the newspaper the other day and it discussed the ever present need for food by families who are having a hard time making ends meet.

So here I am thinking of things that I can do to help. Well I've come up with one solution. I will Swim!!! That's right, at the end of July I will be competing in an Open water race called the "Bay Challenge". It is approximately 9-10km long and requires me to swim across the widest part of English Bay, from West Vancouver all the way to Kits Beach.

I will be donating partial proceeds from revenue I earn in my clinic to the Greater Vancouver Food bank. I'm hoping with the proceeds, my patients and I will be able to provide approximately $1000 worth of food to those in need. Wish me luck guys!!!

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