This blog is for Dr. Dominic Chan BSc, DC. A Chiropractor who serves the Commercial Drive Community in beautiful East Vancouver, B.C. This blog helps Dr. Chan stay in touch with patients as well as allowing visitors to learn more about Dr. Chan's practice and health in general.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Chiropractic Case Studies; SIDNEY CROSBY"
With the hockey pre-season now completed, and being a Chiropractor in hockey crazed Vancouver, (Go Canucks Go!). I came across this article in the bible of all things sports related; Sports Illustrated. This article focused on one of the games undisputed super stars, who has for the better part of a year now, battled the effects of a concussion. The struggles that Sidney Crosby has endured has been well documented and argued tirelessly. But the prevailing question and concern lately has been the apparent progress, or maybe more correctly, the lack of progress Sidney has shown in recent months.
That's why Sidney Crosby has started looking at other methods of treatment and care that could help his recovery. Interestingly enough, Sidney Crosby has started working with a Chiropractor recently. The symptoms of a concussion are numerous and all are significant for a world class athlete like #87. Headaches, nausea, visual disturbances, auditory deficits, balance and even changes in mood are hallmark symptoms people who have suffered a concussion will experience. However, along with these symptoms, Crosby was dealing with a nagging sense of being in a constant 'fog'. One realizes how detrimental this symptom alone could be to a superstar playing hockey, where split second decisions determines winning and losing. This apparently was one of the most stubborn and concerning symptoms reported by Crosby and specialists alike.
Then in early September, Crosby enlisted the help of Dr. Ted Carrick a Chiropractor, to see if he could help. Lo and behold, Crosby has been showing significant signs of improvement since working with Dr. Carrick in the few short weeks since. In fact the improvements have been so substantial that Dr. Carrick accompanied Sidney Crosby and other specialists during a media news conference to officially update the world on Sidney's progress.
Here's an excerpt from the official news conference in September of 2011. Dr. Carrick makes a statement at 7:42 into the clip. Sidney Crosby Concussion News Conference
I think this story alone is a wonderful endorsement for Chiropractic and it's effectiveness. Here in this situation, you have a very high profile athlete who has at their disposal, the best medical specialists on the planet. Now with the available resources even he was frustrated with his apparent lack of progress with the recovery process. So he does what you and I would do in a similar situation; he found a second opinion. The result, I believe speaks for itself. Crosby had this to say about his treatment so far and his decision to seek Chiropractic care,
"When someone came along and invented the airplane, people must have thought they were out of their mind. Who thinks he can fly? I'm sure people thought that person might have been stretching it a bit... . At the end of the day, as long as the person getting the care is comfortable, I think that's what's important."
The facts of the story are that Crosby has been struggling with the after affects of a serious concussion since at least early 2011, some would argue even longer. Under medical supervision and with the help of the world class specialists, his progress was modest at best. Some would even argue that his progress up until September was disappointing. Since working with Dr. Carrick, a Chiropractor, Crosby's progress has made some significant improvements. So stunning in fact that Crosby has started participating in non-contact drills again.
This goes to show what millions already know. Chiropractic can be very effective with patients suffering from head and neck injuries. Even a serious concussion like the one suffered by Sidney Crosby! If you have any questions visit my clinic by Commercial Drive in East Vancouver or visit the website;COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC