This is a very interesting study that just came out that looked at the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on overall health. The results are appearing in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
There have been other studies published in the past that have shown a correlation between increased sitting and other health ailments such as obesity and diabetes, but this study is unique in that it wanted to see if there was a connection between sitting and overall mortality. There is also increasing literature that may explain the detrimental health effects of too much sitting. Some of these works are pointing to 'inactivity physiology'. This mean that some of the larger muscles that are inactive during sitting, especially ones in the legs, may actually be suppressing hormones. These hormones are thought to help regulate triglycerides and cholesterol, associated with heart disease.
It's just one more reason to "get up and walk," said Dr. Jay Brooks, chairman of hematology/oncology at Ochsner Health System in Baton Rouge, La. "The message here is like everything in your life. People need to recognize that the things you do every day have consequences. And if you're in a job that does require sitting, that's fine, but any time you can expend energy is good. That's the key."
This study even factored in the effect of obesity and weight in individuals and still found that increased sitting had an impact on mortality. Researchers found; that women who spent 6 or more hours a day sitting had a 37% higher chance of dying compared to women who sat less than 3 hours a day. For men the increased risk was 17%. Still very significant when you're considering mortality.
As I have always encouraged my patients to try and become more active and healthy, this is just another reason why it's a good ideas. If you live in the Commercial Drive area of East Vancouver, visit my office or contact me at COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC>
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