I'm sure everyone has heard that Obesity is a risk factor for certain types of cancer. But have you ever wondered, Why? Well new research is uncovering possible clues as to why obesity may increase the incidence of cancer. If this research is proven to be true, it may be the gateway to future treatments for cancer. However, the best intervention and most commonsense approach remains to maintain a healthy weight and engage in regular activity and exercise. On to the study.
Scientists have found an enzyme called, monoacylglycerol lipase or (MAGL), that normally helps to break down stored fat cells. However, this same enzyme seems to become over active in some cancer cells and may help the cancer cells to spread.
The study authors found that this enzyme promotes the production of free fatty acids, which can later go on to actually promote the proliferation of cancer cells.
"Historically, research has focused on the mechanisms leading to cancer formation, and therapies have focused on taking out cancer cells. But here we were looking for pathways that lead to cancer aggressiveness," corresponding author Benjamin Cravatt, chair of the Scripps Research Department of Chemical Physiology, said in a news release.
Researchers also noted that people who eat diets high in fats are constantly introducing free fatty acids into their bodies.
Some of you may find this a little abstract but to draw another connection, I'm sure many of you have heard of the term "anti-oxidants". Well these beneficial molecules found in healthier foods serve to counteract the effects of harmful substances like free fatty acids and free radicals. This may also help to explain why Western cultures have been known to have a higher proportion of cancer. It starts with the food we eat.
I find these issues important for me to pass on to my patients because they rarely hear this type of advice from other health care providers. In addition, as a Chiropractor, I feel it is my duty to promote "lifestyle medicine" to my patients. Once they are made aware of issues that can affect their immediate and long-term health, I believe that they can make better decisions!
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