Many of my patients that see me suffer from chronic low back pain. Or they suffer seemingly 'regular' bouts of back pain that lasts maybe 2-3 weeks, perhaps a few times a year. These same patients often ask me if they'll ever be able to live without fear of pain or the next episode.
Studies have shown and I believe this wholeheartedly, that a person must adopt a healthy lifestyle complete with active stretches and exercise if they are hoping to 'beat' chronic back pain for good. This article I came across demonstrates that a significant number of chronic back pain patients can also get better with time.
This study involved 400 participants who sought care at a primary care provider and who had not recovered after 90 days. During telephone interviews 9 and 12 months later, the patients progress was reassessed.
35% of the respondents reported complete recovery at 9 months and 41% reported complete recovery after a year. The findings show that the rate of recovery from chronic low back pain is higher than previously reported and that the prognosis for these patients isn't uniformly poor, said lead study author Dr. Luciola Menezes Costa of the University of Sydney.
These results are reassuring to patients with chronic back pain because it shows that relief is possible. However, from a Chiropractor's stand point, I can't help but think of the 60% who are still suffering after a year. Needless to say, this study shows that the majority of patients who seek primary care for their back pain are still in pain more than a year later.
If you're like me, then you agree that this is entirely unacceptable. In my practice I have helped many patients with long term pain. But right from the start, I educate my patients that with a little bit of patience, some effort and commitment, they have a good chance of beating low back pain. In fact surveys have shown that back pain patients who seek care from a Chiropractor are significantly more satisfied with their care compared to conventional medicine. So if you've never tried Chiropractic, what are you waiting for?
.., I am on my way of trying to go to a Chiropractor.. I am suffering from low back pain but it is because of prolong sitting because of my work.. should i still go?
moses lake chiropractic
a wide options when it comes to Chiropractic treatment... the bad thing is that there are those Chiropractor who are not real.. watch out.. but I do believe that this procedure is effective..
chiropractor gilbert
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