According to US researchers, having easy access to MRI machines may be a bad thing for patients for new onset of low back pain.
Researchers looked at data collected from 1998-2005 and found that patients complaining of new back pain were more likely to have back surgery if they lived in an area with a higher proportion of MRI machines. The research also found that these patients often got an MRI within the first month of their low back pain starting. However, clinical guidelines suggest waiting 4 weeks after onset of pain for an MRI because after this time, many patients report improvement anyways.
So what's the problem you may ask? Well the problem lies in the outcome of treatment.
Previous research has demonstrated that surgery does not improve the outcome of patients, especially with new-onset low back pain.
"The worry is that many people will not benefit from surgery, so heading in this direction is concerning," senior author Laurence Baker, a professor of health research and policy, said in the release.
The clear message is that if you are suffering from new-onset of low back pain, it is far more prudent to investigate more conservative forms of care such as Chiropractic. It can not only offer relief but in many cases, help avoid a more invasive surgery.
If you have any questions, please visit COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN and ask Dr. Chan.
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