Ok I know this headline got your attention and now you're probably scratching your head. However, it is very important to note that you must be critical of research at times and use your best judgement and common sense.
Here are the details of the study. The group consisted of 3,300 men and women and the average age of the participants was 69. The study was conducted over a nine year period. At the beginning, 20% of the participants reported to have engaged in regular moderate to high intensity exercise. Conversely, 41% said they had no physical activity at all.
During the course of nine years, there were 238 strokes reported. Most importantly though, men who reported engaging in moderate-to-high intensity exercise were nearly 63% less likely to suffer a stroke than those who did not exercise at all. However, a similar effect was not found in the women of this study.
"Taking part in moderate-to-heavy intensity physical activity may be an important factor for preventing stroke," study author Dr. Joshua Z. Willey, of Columbia University Medical Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital at Columbia, concluded in a news release.
Another caveat the researchers of this study pointed out was that many of the participants lived in a big city. They reasoned that living in a big city may decrease your activity level. However, with the results they found, it may be the inhabitants of a city that may stand to benefit the most.
The moral of the story is with cardiovascular disease being a leading cause of death of both men and women, exercise can help to decrease this risk dramatically. As if there weren't enough known benefits of regular exercise, this might be one of the best reasons of all.