Thursday, April 26, 2012

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "How Much Does Chiropractic Treatment Cost?...(As little as $8 a treatment!*)

 At times I get calls to my office inquiring about how much it cost for Chiropractic Treatment. For some people, they may be eligible for treatments starting at just $8 per visit. Understandably, when patients hear this, they are ecstatic and can't believe it!

I thought I'd write a quick post today about the fee schedule at my clinic to help those of you

who would like more information about this. Now to start off, first time visits to my office carry a $60 charge. The first visit includes a thorough history, examinations, testing, report of findings, treatment and a follow up plan. Because of everything covered, I recommend patients set aside 40-45 minutes for this visit.  Many patients who visit my office enjoy the benefit of having their Chiropractic treatments covered by their insurance providers through work. Depending on your employer and/or health insurance company, the reimbursement levels may vary. (Please refer to your HR department and they can help explain the exact level of coverage your employer provides). All patients, provide payment for the services at the end of their appointments and a receipts is issued to them. Patients can then submit these receipts to their insurance companies so they can get their appropriate reimbursements. 

Subsequent visits are charged $45/visit. Again, the procedure as described above is followed in order for patients to get reimbursements from the insurance company. 

Now here's where things get interesting. Some patients are eligible to receive Chiropractic care that is subsidized by the government. These patients qualify under a billing program called; "Premium Assistance". Generally, patients qualify for this program based on their income. But people who suffer disabilities and people of first nations status also often qualify. (If you would like to confirm if you qualify for the "Premium Assistance" program, the process is done in about 2 minutes and can be completed over the phone. Please call my office manager, Susan at 604-876-4988 and she will gladly check for you.)

*Patients who qualify for the Premium Assistance program only pay a "User Fee" at my office. 
The User Fee for the first visit is $15. After the first visit, subsequent visits after that are only $8/ visit! (There is a limit of 10 visits/calender year that a qualifying patient may use for therapy including things as; Chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy etc.) Also important to note is that each individual office will handle Premium Assistance differently, however, this is just an explanation of how it is handled at my office. The $8 user fee for Chiropractic treatment has been very beneficial for patients who otherwise could not afford the regular fee. Many of my patients who first learn that they qualify for Premium Assistance are not only shocked but very happy indeed! (Please note that $8 is the current user fee and can change without notice)

Also, my office accepts Worksafe BC and ICBC claims as well. Often times, patients with these claims can receive Chiropractic care at NO cost to them! 

If you have any questions or are in the COMMERCIAL DRIVE neighborhood of EAST VANCOUVER, stop on by or visit my website here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN!!!!