Wow, can Flatworms really help heal broken bones?? The answer is "Yes", but not in the way that you think. Scientists have always marveled at the capacity for some animals to regenerate tissue such as limbs that have been damaged or lost. One of these animals, is if course the Flatworm.
As scientist have been working diligently to uncover the mystery behind this trait, they may have uncovered a key component. Recently, scientists from Stanford university have found a way to help speed the recovery of broken bones in mice. If the same effect is seen in humans, this can have tremendous implications for patients who suffer a fracture, trauma or even the elderly with Osteoporosis!
"This has huge implications," said Dr. Victor Khabie, co-director of the Orthopedic and Spine Institute at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco, N.Y. "Broken bones is a big problem, and this is just the tip of the iceberg."
The technique could help in fusing bones as well, and many other surgeries that rely on bone growth and bone healing to succeed, he added.
"A lot of the surgeries we do rely on bone growth and bone healing, and a lot of the failures of surgery have to do with the fact that the bone never heals or the fusion never [takes]," Khabie explained.
The research revolved around a specific class of proteins called, Wnt proteins. These proteins are inherent in our bodies but scientists have found that if they
'ramped-up' the effect of these proteins, they could actually help injuries heal faster.
From a Chiropractic perspective, of course having a patient recover from a fracture is ideal. However, consider this. As our society ages, the proportion of people who suffer from Osteoporosis will only increase. Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones internal structure. As people get older, Osteoporosis can make their bones brittle and fragile. A fracture at an elderly age can actually be fatal. Now if there was a therapy that could allow an elderly patient with a fracture to heal faster, that would be beneficial for everyone involved.
But it doesn't stop there. An even better question would be if this form of treatment could prevent Osteoporosis in the first place? Wouldn't that be something? All starting with a worm......go figure.