Do I have your attention now? That's right, researchers have found a link between the amount of time you spend sitting in your day and your mortality rate.
Researchers asked 17,000 people, "How much do you spend sitting in your typical day?". They then followed the respondents over the next 12 years and compared their mortality rates. What they found was truly astounding. They discovered that those people who spent half of their day sitting, had a significantly increased risk of dying from ANY cause!! They also found that those respondents who sat the most during their day, had a 54% increased risk of dying in the 12 years following compared to the people who sat the least.
But here is the sobering component. The results were independent of whether you were old or young, smoker or non-smoker or even if you were over-weight or not. Meaning the risk of sitting too much can not be completely removed by your activity level.
So what are some things you can do right now to lower your risk?
- Start moving around more. Take periodic breaks from your computer and walk around. The study even suggests that spending some time standing at work can even be helpful. ie. standing while you're on the phone.
- Look for ways you can be more active at work. Examples include, taking the stairs or even parking your car further away from the entrance so you get just a bit more exercise each day.
- Looking for alternative ways to commute. ie taking public transit to work or biking.
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