Friday, January 17, 2014

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC- " FDA Updates Warning for Doctors!"

Okay guys, so this is a topic I have wrote about before but the problem continues to not only persist, but worsen! It seems this week, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the US has deemed it necessary to outline the maximum level of Acetominophen doctors should be prescribing/recommending to their patients.

It seems the problem is Acetominophen, the analgesic in Tylenol, is not only available in strong prescription medications to relieve pain, but unfortunately over the counter as well. This makes the drug exceedingly easy to access and thus, take too much of. The FDA is now advising doctors to not prescribe medications where doses could exceed 325 mg. For instance, Acetominophen is found in strong doses in the commonly prescribed; Percoset and Vicodin. Taking too much may cause Liver failure or even death. A pretty sobering thought.

The catch is, acetominophen is very common. Along with the drugs already listed, it is also found in other products you may also use regularly like Robitussin and Sudafed. So let's give you an idea of dosage. The FDA has set the maximum daily limit of

Acetominophen for adults to 4000 milligrams (mg). Wow that sounds like a lot right? Well let's put it this way, one gel tablet of Extra Strength Tylenol, for example, contains 500 mg. So let's do the math. That equals 8 tablets per 24 hour period. In those terms, 4000 mgs doesn't sound like it hard to reach anymore.

Depending on the injury, or severity of pain. it's easy to see how someone may take 2-4 tablets of Extra Strength Tylenol, not achieve the relief they desire and then visit their doctors. The doctor may unknowingly prescribe this patient a very strong pain killer such as Percoset. Hopefully, the patient is advised to use it sparingly. However, if the patient innocently takes the same amount of Percosets as he/she did with the Tylenols, the patient has now endangered certainly their liver and perhaps, their life.
Believe me I am not against the use of Acetominophen, Tylenol or even Percoset in some cases. However. Patients, and especially prescribing doctors, must be aware of dangerous dosage levels and not be so cavalier about 'popping' pills whenever there is pain.

There are alternatives out there for pain and Chiropractic happens to be a great one!
Contact me if you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood in East Vancouver and let me help you with your pain, naturally!COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIRORPACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "To Stretch or Not to Stretch Before Exercise?......"

Dealing with lots of athletes in my practice as well as seeing many people who have made 'getting fit' a new year's resolution for 2013, a common question I get is; "....should I stretch before exercise or not?".

In the last 5-10 years especially, I have come across articles in academic literature that have suggested that stretching before exercise could actually detrimental to athletic performance at best, but at worse, could even be harmful! Some select studies have suggested that stretching immediately before exercise may actually rob the body of it's full strength potential. Now, in some circumstances I can see how this may be an undesirable outcome for select athletes. But I have to admit, after reviewing these studies, I'm not sure if most people would fall under the criteria for this risk. 

The idea of stretching is to improve circulation to the muscles, increase flexibility to the joints, prepare the body for the exercise to come and to also hopefully prevent or limit the soreness many people feel after the exercise. An extension to preventing post exercise soreness is to also prevent possible injury as well. This is a common goal that I see in practice. Patients not only want ways to prevent injuries to avoid pain and suffering but also to keep up their exercise routine and remain fit. 

Now, the current research is very poor in proving that stretching before exercise can prevent soreness after and it is easy to understand why. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can have many factors involved. Including; fitness levels, age, flexibility, environmental, athletic training etc. But for the most part, my patient's exercise routine usually involves regular visits to the gym or sports. They aren't training for a tournament or a world class event. Rather, their goals are to stay in shape, stay active, and to control or maintain weights. For these patients I suggest they follow these recommendations;

- Do what's right for you. That is to say, if you're used to stretching before exercise and it feels good, then there's no reason to stop. 

- Improve your fitness level. Meaning studies have suggested many athletic injuries are a result of poor conditioning more so than poor flexibility alone. 

- Establish a routine and stick with it! First and foremost, exercise should be enjoyable. Let's face it, if your exercise is a burden and not enjoyable, the likelihood you will maintain it for the long term is very low. So my suggestion to patients is try different things! Find a routine, sport, activity, etc. that gets your heart pumping and that's fun. That way, you can continue for the long term!

If you're in the Commercial Drive area of East Vancouver, stop by my office or visit my website here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Exercise Improves Your Immune System....Even After Cancer!"

This was an interesting study that came out recently that looked into the claims that exercise actually boosts the immune system. The researchers went one step further and used participants who had received treatments for cancer. (Cancer patients suffer from compromised immune systems as a result of the treatment itself. Radiation and chemotherapy attacks cancerous as well as healthy cells. As a result, patients recovering from cancer, are susceptible to secondary infections as their normal immune response isn't there)

The researchers found that exercise can greatly decrease the risk of these patients developing a secondary cancer. These findings could also explain how a patient who has never been diagnosed with cancer can use exercise to help reduce the chances of getting this diagnosis. 

A team of experts, led by Laura Bilek, from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, found that exercise actually changes the composition or 'make-up' of a person's immune system. T cells, a type of immune cell that protects against infectious agents and cancer cells, were the focal point in the investigation of the cancer survivors who had just finished chemotherapy. Previous studies had shown that chemotherapy actually changes these protective T cells. After chemotherapy, T cells were found to be in a less potent or less effective state. In this study, the researchers found that after a 12 week exercise program, these T cells were actually replaced with different T cells that were more potent and effective at fighting off infections and even cancer!

Bilek explained, "What we're suggesting is that with exercise, you might be getting rid of T cells that aren't helpful and making room for T cells that might be helpful." Since this dramatic change was observed in patients battling cancer, it would be reasonable to deduce that exercise could impose the same benefits for those never being diagnosed with cancer as well. 

As the laundry list of exercise benefits continues to grow, it is undeniable that everyone should make exercise a part of their daily lives. It still confuses me how many people will diligently take care of their teeth, brushing and cleaning often twice a day. However, these same people will forget about the rest of their bodies and ignore exercise all together. Please don't underestimate the value of movement and exercise!

If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, drop by my office or visit my website here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiroractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "BACK PAIN TIPS: Sleep Position"

Having back pain? Try sleeping on your side with a pillow
Patients who are suffering from moderate to severe back pain will often tell me that they have problems sleeping at night. Or more precisely, they find it difficult to find a 'comfortable position'. They tell me the pain and discomfort is so constant that they toss and turn all night, occasionally waking up then going back to sleep. Almost all of these patients tell me, that they wake up tired the next day and do not feel rested at all. Obviously, being fatigued often affects their work, activities, mood and even their relationships with others. 

Now the reason why these patients are having a hard time sleeping is that the muscles around the affected area are having a hard time relaxing. Either due to direct trauma or an indirect response to other damaged tissue like ligaments, tendons or discs, the muscles are left to 'guard' the area and remain tense. This poses a daunting scenario because as you sleep, your body is supposed to be recovering and repairing damage from the day's activities. Your body is supposed to be 'regenerating' and re-hydrating. For example,ever notice how you often feel like you're taller in the mornings? Well that's because your intervertebral discs, the soft tissue between the bones in your spine, are re-hydrating overnight. They are actually, re-filling their supply of water and growing slightly taller. Now, multiply this small effect within each disc by the number is discs in your spine and that's what makes you feel taller!

So the next question I try to help my patients with is the best sleep position to adopt when they are having back pain. Well first off I try to recommend sleeping on a medium to firm mattress. This support from the mattress will often help the muscles around your spine relax and keep them from working so hard, even at night. Next, I tell my patients to use another pillow! I suggest that these patients try sleeping on their sides. Use an extra pillow and place it between your knees as you sleep. If you definitely don't like sleeping on your side and prefer lying on your back. Then take the pillow and place it under your knees. This position keeps your legs slightly bent at night. 

The goal of either position is to take as much pressure off your lower back as possible. As this happens, your muscles are better able to relax and you can feel decreased pain. But just as important, your body is better able to sleep and help repair the injury! This is where Chiropractic treatment comes in. Many people see Chiropractic as a means to treat pain. However, I stress to my patients that the benefits of Chiropractic treatments extend far beyond pain relief. Many of my patients tell me treatment also helps them regain movement, increase flexibility, return to enjoyable activities, improves sleep/mood/energy and heal much faster!

In the Commercial Drive area of East Vancouver? Drop by the clinic or visit the website here;COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!!! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - "Usain Bolt is a Fan of Chiropractic"

Usain Bolt, the fastest man on earth receiving Chiropractic Treatment
Today is August 10, 2012 and what we have witnessed over the last 4 days is Usain Bolt, solidifying his claim to the title; 'fastest man on earth'. In addition, he is arguably now the best sprinter the world has ever seen. What you may not know, is that leading up to the Olympics in London, Bolt was rumored to be injured because of second place finishes to his countryman, Yohan Blake in both the 100m and 200m dash. 

The rumored injury in the weeks leading up to the Olympics was a 'bad back'. The exact details of the injury may never be known because a lot of high profile athletes do not want to surrender information that may help their competition. However, what has come to light is that Bolt has been receiving Chiropractic treatments. It's hard to say for how long the fastest man on earth has been seeking the help of a Chiropractor, but what's hard to argue is the benefit of this kind of care. 

Dr. Michael Douglas has been the official Chiropractor for the Jamaican Olympic team since 1996. He has worked with world class athletes to help them recover from injuries, improve their flexibility and function to help them perform at their best. Recently, team Jamaica swept the podium, winning gold, silver and bronze in the men's 200m race at London 2012. 

If the fastest man on earth and his teammates use Chiropractic to help them perform at their best, just think of what it can do for you! If you're in the Commercial Drive area of East Vancouver, stop by the office or visit the website here; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - " What is Inflammation?"

I get this question a lot in practice and it is, " when do I apply ice? and when do I apply heat?". Well to answer that question, we need to better understand inflammation. Inflammation is actually the body's attempt to heal. Inflammation is a process where the body is attempting to rid itself of harmful materials including damaged cells, pathogens and toxins/irritants. This is a natural and very essential process to healing wounds and injuries. 

There are two basic types of inflammation that can occur; chronic and acute. Chronic inflammation often occurs when the body for some reason, is unable to rid itself of an irritant or pathogen, or an irritant is continuously present. This scenario keeps the inflammatory response engaged and is not allowed to end. These situations would include; asthma, tuberculosis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

The other scenario, and the one I commonly see in practice is acute inflammation. This will often involve some kind of trauma or injury. A fall, a slip, being hit by something or someone, intense exercise or sports etc. These are often situations when a patient can remember Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan DC - " What is Inflammation?exactly what brought the pain on. In these scenarios, the onset of pain and discomfort is quite fast. The pain is likely reported immediately after or 1-3 days following the incident. In the acute phase, the patient will likely experience the hallmarks of inflammation; "PRISH". That would be; Pain, Redness, Inflammation, Swelling and Heat!.

But let me add that acute inflammation may also commonly be associated with bruising as well. In the immediate hours to days following acute inflammation, it would be better for patients to apply ice. (This would be immediately after the injury up to 3-4 days following). This process will address all the components of PRISH. Applying the ice will help to reduce the pain, redness, inflammation, swelling and heat. Ice can also allow the patient to heal from their injuries faster. 

Now conversely, 3-4 days after an injury or if there was no apparent trauma involved, I would recommend my patients apply heat instead. In these situations, patients will report discomfort often associated with stiff and sore muscles. Heat in these situations will help increase circulation so that the muscles can relax better and pain can be reduced. 

Hope this explanation clears things up a little! Remember, if you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, come stop by my office or visit me here;COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!!! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Commercial Drive - East Vancouver Chiropractor; Dr. Dominic Chan - "Women Suffering from Fatigue Could Benefit from Iron"

Although this isn't normally the primary complaint that I see in practice, it is one that many patients complain of. It's fatigue. The general sense of 'tiredness' or 'lack of energy' that affects a lot of people. Many of these patients will tell me it's not a lack of sleep. Many of these people claim they are getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night, however, they can' t get away from the feeling of tiredness.

A recent study from the University of Geneva and published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, is suggesting that women who complain of fatigue, but who are not anemic, could benefit from iron supplements. The study included 198 women from the ages of 18-53. 102 of the women were given daily iron supplements and the remaining 96 received a placebo pill.  The women were monitored for 12 weeks and the results were compared.

The biggest difference the research found was in fatigue. Interestingly enough, even the group taking placebo pills also reported improvements in fatigue. This group reported a 29% reduction in fatigue. However, the group given the actual iron pills reported a 48% reduction in fatigue. "Our key findings are that iron supplementation can improve the feeling of fatigue in nonanemic women," said study author Paul Vaucher, a neuroscience doctoral student at the University of Geneva.

Asked why iron may be effective for combating fatigue in women with low iron, but not anemic, levels, Vaucher said, "The benefits we observed might not be explained by the effects on blood stores alone."
"Recent neuroscience research suggests that fatigue could be due to the lack of iron in brain tissues, and might be completely independent of iron blood stores," he explained. This is a fascinating twist on the role of iron in human nutrition. To think that iron could actually affect and alter brain physiology means we need to better appreciate the affect of nutrition/supplements on health, mood and energy.

If you're in the Commercial Drive neighborhood of East Vancouver, come visit Dr. Chan's office or stop the website; COMMERCIAL DRIVE - EAST VANCOUVER CHIROPRACTOR; DR. DOMINIC CHAN DC!!!!